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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 22 November 2021

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Some Call It Attraction [Sweet Dreams 05] by Sarah Peis!

Two best friends. One lie. A second chance neither of them expected.

He’s used to champagne and caviar; I’m used to burgers and boxed wine. We were as opposite as two people could get, yet we became best friends, anyway.

Turns out all it took to tear us apart was a lie.

The last thing I expected was to see him again years later on the set of a reality TV show I’m a contestant in. It doesn’t take long for us to fall back into an easy friendship I thought I’d lost forever. But the feelings I tried so hard to ignore refuse to stay dead and buried.

What will he do when he finds out that I lied all those years ago? Because I can’t walk away a second time. Not even when being with him could get me kicked off the show.

This is Rayna’s story and a second-chance, friends-to-lovers romantic comedy.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:
Supporter of all things written, defender of the e-book revolution and master of the take out order - I'm not afraid to say I can’t cook, go a week without breaking something, read labels correctly or park cars in a straight line.

I love the written word in all forms and shapes and if I'm not glued to a book I'm attempting to write one. I’m a frequent blonde moment sufferer and still trying to figure out how to adult. I live in Melbourne, Australia, with my two little humans, the holder of my heart and two furry demons. I love to hear from readers so feel free to get in touch.


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