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Friday 13 December 2013

Blog Tour: Awakening [Valkyrie Diaries 01] & Warrior Redeemed [Nephilim Warrior 04] by K.A. Young!

Awakening [Valkyrie Diaries 01]

You know those times when you've just had a fight with your mom and behind closed doors you say horrible things like I hate you or I wish you were dead? Well, it really happened. Mom is dead, gone forever they all are; every single person in our entire town disappeared overnight, like some freaking nightmare. I'm Kylie Daniels and my brother and I are the only ones left and now we have to figure out how to survive…
When sixteen-year-old Kylie Daniels wakes one morning to the sound of her kid brother hysterically screaming, she soon discovers that her life as she knew it, had changed forever…

Follow Kylie and her brother Mason as they discover that the veil that separated the human realm from that of the supernatural was compromised exposing them to shifters, slashers, demons and Valkyrie.

Buy your copy now:

Warrior Redeemed [Nephilim Warrior 04]
Nyoka believed that he'd run as far and as long as he was able. Feeling beyond redemption he decides to end it all.

A young woman full of hope and courage stumbles upon the hopeless warrior on her quest to change the world by reversing the horrific effects of the yetzer hara. Igniting his instincts to provide and protect, she pulls him back from the brink of the abyss.

Can this warrior let go of his past to embrace love and redemption?


Not familiar with The Nephilim Warrior Series?

Download Book 1 for FREE!

Anna Wilkins is a prototypical housewife. She buys groceries, picks up the dry cleaning and hosts dinner parties.

Everything was picture perfect from the outside looking in until the life she was born to live collided with the life she was living. Her husband is murdered by a creature from another realm, a creature that is only visible to her. Through her pain, his death awakens a part of her she didn't know existed. She is then thrust into a life of Vampires, Werewolves and Sexy Nephilim Warriors.

Drawn to her by a bond as old as their race, a Nephilim Warrior finds Anna at her darkest hour and seeks to arouse what lies dormant within her. The scorching sexual attraction she and the Warrior feel for one another may be beyond anything either of them can control...
Get your FREE copy here:
Author bio:
K.A. Young is a paranormal/fantasy romance author that lives with her family in the South. She began writing because her mind was swimming with incredible stories that were begging to be told. Her love for reading began as a small child when she realized that a good book was an instant escape to a mystical land that could be reached anytime and from anyplace.

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