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Wednesday 11 December 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Precious Consequences [Consequences 01] by Tamsyn Bester!

Publication date: 10th November 2013
Paperback edition: -

Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: All it took was one night to change the rest of my life.

One night that created irrevocable consequences.

But some consequences aren’t all bad.

They can be amazing…beautiful… Precious.

I willingly accepted those consequences and wrote a new plan for my life. But that plan didn’t include Cameron Argent – the sexy-as-sin tattooed playboy who got under my skin the moment I laid eyes on him. I was headed down a dark and dangerous road where he was concerned and in the end, our relationship was inevitable. Despite our dark secrets, our feelings for each other burned brighter than a thousand stars and left us both naked, vulnerable.

But when my past came rolling back into my life like a Summer storm, I wasn’t sure if his love for me was enough.
Was he prepared to deal with the consequences of a past I couldn’t regret or would he walk away with my beating heart in his hands?

The cover first attracted me to this book and then I checked out the synopsis! The synopsis doesn't actually tell you a lot about what happens in the book too be completely honest with you, so I went into this book not really knowing what it was going to be about lol! I can say that I did enjoy it and it was pretty different to what I was expecting! The plot was all about just how precious consequences can be and that not all of them are bad! It was also about two people who had been through a lot finding love and acceptance! Although, I loved the plot, I did have a few problems with it as well! The plot sort of stayed on the one level for most of the book and wasn't really very climatic! Don't get me wrong, there were some points where there were quite surprising moments, but I felt like I was reading them all on one level and it didn't waver to make me desperate to read on or anything like that! The plot was interesting though and I think it's actually the first time I've read something like it! I don't want to give too much away with the plot as it's so much better if you experience it with your own eyes! I also have to point out that I did spot some spelling and grammar errors in this book, but I'm not sure whether I was given an unedited ARC or a final copy for the Blog Tour! The characters were great! Hayley was the female main character and I thought she was a wonderful person! She was so nice and I could tell that she sort of wore her heart on her sleeve! My heart went out to her for what happened to her, but I loved that she didn't regret the consequences that came from what happened to her and instead she embraced them! Completely embraced them! Hayley was such a loving character and at times I found myself wanting to hug her something fierce, because she just always tried her best and embraced the good with the bad! Cameron 'Cam' was the main male character in this book and at the beginning, I thought he was a serious ass! Especially the way he reacted to finding out what Hayley had neglected to tell him, because she wanted to have one night where she was a normal teenager! I lost some serious respect for him in that scene, but as the book progressed, he did start to change after he realised that his feelings for Hayley outweighed his stubbornness! Cam did have his own secrets to bare in this book, which sort of explained the way he reacted sometimes! He was also hot and had a bit of a cocky side to him as well! I loved that this book was written from both Hayley and Cam's point of views as it made the story so much more interesting! The secondary characters in this book were brilliant! They added so much to the story and really helped fuel the plot! I can completely understand why this book is a standalone as the ending summed up Hayley and Cam's relationship and it showed just how much it had developed! It was also a beautiful ending that tied up all the loose ends in the book! After I read this book I discovered that there's going to be a novella to finish off this book, but I'm not sure if it's still going to be about Hayley and Cam! As I said, the cover for this book is what attracted me to it! Everything about it is stunning and I completely love it! Big thank you to Tamsyn for an ARC of Precious Consequences and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

Precious Consequences

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/lprtvo7
Barnes and Noble: http://tinyurl.com/l3guvgf

Author bio:

Tamsyn is a 21 year old blogger turned author from South Africa who has an insatiable hunger for New Adult Contemporary Romance novels, coffee and chocolate. When she’s not getting caught up in yet another steamy romance with a new book boyfriend, she can be found spending endless hours working away on her laptop in pursuit of her Marketing degree and a career in book Publishing. Tamsyn is a Brat when it comes to books and believes that every story, no matter how challenging, should have a Happy Ever After.


Prize: A Kindle Paperwhite!

Participants must purchase a copy of the book and provide the URL with confirmation code into the document below. Once the blog tour is over, all the entries will be entered into Rafflecopter and a winner will be picked.

Enter here!

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