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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Taken [Breaking the Darkness 01] by Felicia Starr!

Captionless Image

Publication date: 11th November 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: Opening her eyes to an imposing prison of complete darkness, Kasha is accused of possessing powers and abilities she had no previous knowledge of until the moment she comes face to face with herself while meditating. Haunted by memories strung together by lies and deceit, she soon discovers that maybe her beloved grandmother kept a few secrets she hadn't been aware of. Secrets that could be her salvation… or her undoing.

As she struggles to control her newfound powers, only time will tell if they will be enough to help her decipher who has imprisoned her or what they want from her. She must search for the answers and the freedom she so desperately desires. Could a handsome guy who vows to help her get away prove to be the man of her dreams… or perhaps her worst nightmare?

Not knowing who to trust, she must find a way to escape before she pays the ultimate price and finds herself taken by the darkness.


You must betray your heart and walk amongst the darkness in order to find the truest light.
The cover first attracted me to this book, as it is absolutely stunning! I then read the synopsis and I was intrigued, but I wasn't sure if I was actually going to enjoy it as it sounded very different to what I normally read! I took a chance on it though and after reading it, I'm still not sure what to think about it lol! It was definitely different to what I was expecting! I was originally going to give this book three and a half stars, but I bumped it up to four for how unique it was and also for the last 15% of the plot! While reading this book, I felt like I was transported to where the main character actually was, as the descriptions and everything were amazing and very detailed! I do have to admit though that the plot did confuse me for most of the book! There were times where I thought it could have been explained a little better! It took me until over half-way through reading to actually understand what was going on! Once I did understand it I was completely sucked in though! The plot was so unique and written brilliantly! It was very descriptive as well! The characters were very interesting and written really well, but sometimes I had a hard time connecting with them! Kasha was the main character and my heart went out to her in this book! She was placed in a situation that she didn't have a clue what to do in! I would have totally freaked out if I was her! Kasha was such a strong character though and all the way through this book she fought and she fought to the best of her ability! By the end of this book I adored her and I connected with her more! It kind of felt like there was a love triangle in this book between Kasha and her love interests, Graven and Kaden! I'm not sure if this is what the author was going for, but that's what it felt like lol! I did like the love triangle, but I didn't have any idea where Kaden came from! He was just there one second and gone the next lol! I will admit that I was Team Graven, because I felt that he had genuine feelings for Kasha whereas Kaden was sort of goody two shoes kind of guy! Don't get me wrong, both guys were seriously hot, but Graven just grabbed my attention more than Kaden! I also liked that Kasha had feelings for both of the guys, but didn't play with those feelings and play with both guys feelings! I also loved that the love triangle didn't play that big a part in the plot, but it was still there in the background! I'm not sure if I'm going to read the next book in this series, as I'm still not sure how I feel about this one! I did find it confusing, but it was unique and maybe the next book will be easier for me to understand because I've read this one! The ending of this book really makes me want to read the next book though because it left it at a serious cliff-hanger, which I did not see coming! As I said, the cover is stunning and attracted me instantly! I am completely in love with it! Big thank you to Felicia for a copy of Taken and to Lady Reader Bookstuff for having me on the Blog Tour!

Buy your copy from Amazon, or Barnes and Nobles
Author bio:
Author Felicia Starr lives five miles from her favorite Jersey Shore destination with her amazingly supportive family. She loves to spend time creating special memories with her husband and two young boys.

Everyone expected her first publication to be a cookbook, but her love for writing has surpassed her love for cooking.

Felicia graduated magna cum laude from Kean University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a post baccalaureate in elementary education.

She is a licensed real estate sales person, a certified yoga instructor, and most importantly, a stay-at-home mom.


  1. Thank you for joining my tour Kendall. I appreciate your time reading TAKEN. ~ Felicia Starr

  2. Thank you so much for your participation. You totally rock. :)


  3. It sounds like a fantastic read!

    ~Veronica Vasquez~

  4. You must betray your heart and walk amongst the darkness in order to find the truest light.

    This book looks like a great read. So glad it is on my to read list. Love the cover too...

    Happy Reading.
