Publication date: 27th June 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: It’s time for Sawyer to start living her life. Since she was fifteen she has taken care of everyone but herself, including her older brother Dane. She has been lying to herself to keep from feeling the pain of her parent’s death. Now she is twenty and she’s ready to start a life of her own. Moving into her parent’s lake house would be the perfect escape. Wouldn’t it? That’s what she thought. Only, it led her right into the emotional place she’s been hiding from all this time. All of those years of running from her feelings, she now has to face them. It’s too much. She can’t deal with it alone. Someone has to help. She’ll do anything to escape the heartbreak, but you can only run so far.
Travis can’t believe his eyes; his half-opened, blood shot eyes. Sawyer Evans was in the flesh and standing over him. He hadn’t seen this girl since he was ten years old. Travis only saw the Evan’s during the summer when they moved into the lake house. He and Dane were best friends. When Dane invited him and the old gang to a welcome back party at the Lake House, he couldn’t wait to go. It turns out getting wasted was only half the fun. Seeing Sawyer was the other half. She was the sexiest girl he’d ever seen and he was going to make sure that she knew it. Only she shot him down time and time again. He’s determined to break down those walls and get inside her head, but he’ll have to be sober to do it, and no matter how hard he tries, she’ll always run. He can’t keep chasing her. He has to figure out a way to make her stay.
It’s time to stop running, stop hiding, and start learning where the true escape lies. Everyone will face heartbreak, but not everyone will find love.
I freaking loved this book! It was such a cute book with a dark background! I was really excited about reading it before I got my ARC because I'd spoken to someone who beta read it and they said it was amazing, so my excitement was upped lol! The cover and synopsis also made me desperate for the book too because the cover is stunning and the synopsis sounded like the kind of book I'd read! The plot of this book was so cute and light, but quite dark at the same time! I absolutely loved it! I loved its development and I always found myself reading a few more chapters every chance I got! It was so cute as well with the developing romance in the plot too! There were also a few twist and turns in the plot to keep it going and to keep me desperate to read on and find out what was going to happen next! I just overall loved everything about the plot! The characters were just as amazing as the plot! Sawyer was the main character and she was just amazing! She had been through a lot, and because of this she'd been through a lot of changes in her life in such a short time! My heart went out to her when I found out her story because she felt disconnected from the people around her and I could see that it really affected her! Sawyer really started to learn how to cope with her loss as this book developed and it was really all down to one familiar face! I just overall loved Sawyer and I could understand why she reacted the way she did in some situations in this book! She grew a lot as a character in this book too, which I loved! Travis was the love interest of Sawyer and he was so hot! I just loved everything about him! I loved how protective he was of Sawyer and I loved that he was there for her the whole way through this book! I also adored Travis' relationship with his brother, Waylon! He was the main carer of his brother and I could see that he would do absolutely anything for him! I really admired this about Travis! I also adored his personality and that he was fiercely protective of the people he cared about! I really enjoyed this book being written from both Sawyer and Travis' point of views! I was kinda expecting it to be after I read the synopsis, but I'm really happy it was! It really helped me connect with both characters more and I loved getting to go inside both of their heads! I thought that this book was a standalone when I was reading it and when I finished it, but there's no way it can be after the ending! I'm super happy to discover that this book is actually the first book in a series! I can't wait to read the next book! I'm really excited to read it and find out what's going to happen next! The cover for this book is absolutely stunning! I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it! The model on the front really suits the character of Sawyer too! Big thank you to Regina for an ARC of Escaping Heartbreak and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

Regina lives in Kentucky and is currently releasing her third book. Her books include Chased and Challenged, both of The Graysen Pack Series, as well as her newest book Moonshine. Her true love is writing paranormal, but writing Moonshine made her discover a hidden love for Adult Contemporary Romance. She says that you can expect her to write a little in both worlds.
She is married with two kids and when she is not writing she is reading and reading and reading. She loves her cat Jacob, who was named after her favorite werewolf. Go figure... If you put her in front of the T.V. she would most likely watch sports, unless The Vampire Diaries is on. Her favorite things are her family, books, football, chocolate, Bruno Mars, and well Bruno Mars, enough said. She loves to keep up with her fans and you can find her several places.

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