Publication date: 14th April 2015
Paperback edition: 512 pagesSource: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: When her husband Richard dies in an accident, Shelby Pomeroy is devastated. But his death reveals a horrible truth - Richard was a liar and a cheat. Now Shelby is left with the consequences - huge, terrifying debts and mounting proof that her husband betrayed her in every conceivable way.
Heart-broken but unbowed, Shelby is determined to fix her problems - if only for the sake of her gorgeous little daughter Callie. Returning home to Tennessee and the family she thought she'd lost for ever, she discovers a new sense of strength and freedom. And hope, too, in the handsome form of carpenter Griffin Lott - a straight-dealing man who couldn't lie to her if he tried.
But not everyone is thrilled to see Shelby Pomeroy back in town. When a shocking act of violence is traced back to Richard's shady business, it becomes clear that she is not safe from him, even in death. With her life in danger, Shelby must face the lies of the past - or lose everything.
I'd never read a Nora Roberts book before I read this one, but I'd heard a lot about her books and she's a huge author, so I knew her name when I read it! The UK publisher of this book emailed me and asked me if I would like an ARC of this book, and after checking out the synopsis, I knew I really wanted to read it! The synopsis and cover really intrigued me and I wanted to find out more! I also may or may not have squealed because I was offered an ARC of a Nora Roberts book lol! I loved this book! I didn't think I was going to love it anywhere near as much as I did, but I was immersed in the story from a few chapters in and had a hard time putting it down, even though it was a pretty long book! It was just brilliant and I can't believe that I hadn't read a book from this author before! The plot was also amazing! There was a lot in it and there was mystery and romance and then it started getting quite suspenseful! I did find that it dragged a little bit in some places, but I could understand this as the main character tried to figure things out at these stages! Overall, I really enjoyed it! The characters were amazing! Shelby was the main character and she went through so much in this book! My heart completely went out to her! She had so much faith in her husband and she supported him so much too, so for her to find out a ton of secrets about him after his death, it had a huge impact on her! I think she handled it all brilliantly though! I probably wouldn't have been so understanding and as calm lol! I also loved the amount of love Shelby had for her daughter and her family! I could see that she would do anything for them! I connected really well with Shelby too! Griff was the love interest of Shelby and he was seriously hot! I also had so much respect for him! He knew where to draw the line with Shelby when he first met her and he knew not to rush into anything with her! He knew what he wanted from her as well though, and he was clear on what he wanted from her! Griff was always there for Shelby as well, and he tried to help her out as much as he could! I just loved him and I also loved getting the chance to go inside his head and see how he felt about Shelby and that he had deep, genuine feelings for her! This book was written from a few different point of views, but it was mainly written from Shelby's! I loved Shelby's point of view, but I also loved the extra point of views too, especially Griff's! They all added a lot to the plot and to the development of the plot! I know that this book is a standalone, which I can completely understand as the ending was resolved and everything was answered, but I'm definitely going to be checking out this author's other books! I know she has a ton out, so I'm definitely going to be spoiled for choice lol! The UK cover for this book is stunning! It definitely suits the book! It's very bright compared to the US cover too, which I love! I definitely prefer the UK cover to the US one! Big thank you to Piatkus for an ARC of The Liar and for having me on the UK Blog Tour!

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Author bio:
Nora Roberts is the number one New York Times bestseller of more than 200 novels. With over 450 million copies of her books in print, she is indisputably one of the most celebrated and popular writers in the world. Her last three hardback novels were all top ten bestsellers in the UK and in 2013 alone Little, Brown Book Group sold over 1.2 million net copies of Nora Roberts’ books.
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