Publication date: 23rd February 2016
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 3 stars
Synopsis: Damien:
I am Damien Cole. Manager of Dallas' Top Tattoo Shop "The Boneyard."
I play the game by my own set of rules. I discard women left and right.
Their only purpose is to cater to my sexual appetite. No woman will ever tame my bad boy ways. I am at the top of my game.
I am Summer Montgomery. My face has graced magazine covers all across the world. My looks will deceive you. I am a bad girl with a smart ass mouth and the attitude to back it up. Playing with me is like playing with fire. I will consume you and swallow you whole.
When faced with temptation, which of these two badasses will fall first?
I was originally going to sign up for a promotional post for this Blog Tour instead of a review, but after reading a few teasers from this book, I decided to review it! The synopsis also sounded awesome and exactly like my kind of read! The cover is also hot! I received my ARC and started reading it as soon as I could! I wasn't 100% sure what to expect from this book, but I thought that it was great! I didn't love it anywhere near as much as I was expecting to, but it was really good at times and the relationship between the two main characters was also very hot! I loved the hot scenes between them! There were also a few things about this book that I didn't really like though! I found the two main characters hard to like and connect with! There was also a lot of description in this book, and not all of it was needed! I tend to skim the description in a book if there's a lot of it, and I tended to do it quite a lot with this book! The plot did get slightly better as it progressed though and I liked the few twist and turns in it! The characters were great, but as I said, they were a bit hard for me to connect with! Summer was the main female character, and she was so hot and cold in this book! This made it hard for me to connect with her because she overacted in certain situations, but then she was calm and in control in other situations! There was just something about her that I couldn't quite click with for a lot of this book, but I did start to like her more as the plot progressed! Summer also did some things in this book that I felt were actually out of character for her, which I didn't like! Damien was the main male character, and he was really hot, but like Summer, he ran hot and cold for a lot of this book! Again, this made it a bit hard for me to connect with him! I mean, one minute he was all over any girl that would show him a bit of attention, but then he was pining after Summer when she was and wasn't around! I just didn't get it and it was like he couldn't make his mind up over whether he wanted to be with Summer or not! He also loved winding Summer up, which was funny to read! Damien was also protective of Summer and he showed how protective he was of her again and again as the plot progressed! I loved that this book was written from both Summer and Damien's point of views! It allowed the plot to expand more and for more things to happen! It also helped me understand the two main characters a bit more! Even though I wasn't a complete lover of this book, I'll probably read the next book in the series just because I've read this one! I'm assuming that it's going to be about new characters and I'm not sure who the characters might be, but I'm looking forward to finding out! The cover for this book is really hot! It suits the book and I love it a lot! The guy on the front is really hot too and represents Damien very well! Big thank you to Kristina for an ARC of Dared and to Be My Book Boyfriend & My Guilty Obsession for having me on the Blog Tour!

Author bio:
Kristina Borden is an emerging indie author from Corsicana, Texas. She grew up just across the river from New Orleans, LA in a town called Pearl River. She later relocated to North Louisiana when she moved in with her mother as a teenager. She has one sister, Tracey, who is her best friend. She is currently married to her husband Robert, and has a step-son and her fur baby, a shih-tzu, named Chew Chew.
She has been writing poetry from a young age. Two years ago her life was altered when she found out her sister was in Stage 5 kidney failure. She then decided to finally do something with her writing. Her first book, The Imperfect Gift, is loosely based on her sister and while it is fiction, a lot of the events in the book are not.
Her love and passion for reading has propelled her forward in her journey to reach people with her writing.
Kristina has other current works in progress. As a multi-genre author, she writes what inspires her and does not limit herself to one genre.
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