My Abbi Glines Experience... So far!
I remember my first Abbi Glines experience like it was yesterday! I remember reading my first book by her, I remember falling in love with her books and I remember watching her fan base grow!
The first book I ever read by Abbi Glines was Breathe in May 2011 when it was first released! I remember falling in love with Jax and Sadie and Abbi's writing! I looked Abbi up after I had read Breathe to find out more about her and to see what other books she had! She didn't have any other books out at that time but I always kept a close eye on her release dates and what other books she had coming out!
The Existence Trilogy was the first full series by Abbi Glines that I have read! I remember reading Existence when it first came out in December 2011! I didn't make the connection that the author of Breathe was the author of the Existence until months later! After reading Existence I was thoroughly looking forward to the rest of the series and also to see what other books Abbi had up her sleeve!
I remember when The Vincent Boys was released as well! I didn't actually read The Vincent Boys until December 2012 though! I was in love with The Sea Breeze series and I didn't want another series to take it's place so I sort of held back with The Vincent Boys for a while! Since I hevr read it though I haven't looked back! I loved the situations in the book and I fell in love with it as well!
The Sea Breeze series just got better and better with every book! I read them in a different order to when they were released! I read Breathe, While It Lasts, Because of Low and then Just for Now! I actually didn't catch on that While It Lasts was actually in the same series as Breathe until about a week after I had read it! It turns out that Abbi was firing books out like a machine compared to when she first started and I had sort of fallen behind! I soon caught up with my favourite series though and it still continues to blow my mind!
The Too Far series was one that I was looking forward to reading since Abbi first announced it! I fell in love with Fallen Too Far! So did a lot of other people! When I found out that Never Too Far was coming out only months after Fallen Too Far's release I was ecstatic! I hate waiting like a year for a sequel so to wait only months was amazing! I didn't love Never Too Far as much as Fallen Too Far but it was still amazing! I also got an ARC of Twisted Perfection which releases on the 22nd April! One word: HOT!
Abbi's fan base is now huge compared to when I first discovered her! I am so happy that other people are discovering her and her amazing talent! She is one hell of a writer and she really does deserve every fan out there! She does book signings, live video chats, she responds to every message on Facebook! She truly is amazing! I can definitely say that I have been and I will continue being a fan of Abbi Glines!
Happy Birthday Abbi!
My edited pictures!

Author bio:
'Vintage' Swag Mini-Packs
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