Publication date: 22nd April 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Stages of Grace
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance...
When facing death a mourning period is to be expected. But what if it's not a person but a relationship that dies? Grace and her boyfriend Jon have been together for three years. They live together and have shared many beautiful memories. Those memories are what keep Grace from admitting Jon has changed and is no longer the man she fell in love with.
Afraid of being alone and holding on to something that no longer exists Grace is a shadow of her former self. Her daily objective is to hide her pain from the world. Then, an unexpected letter sets off a whirlwind of potential life changes. In life sometimes the hardest thing to do is let go.
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Stages of Grace
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance...
When facing death a mourning period is to be expected. But what if it's not a person but a relationship that dies? Grace and her boyfriend Jon have been together for three years. They live together and have shared many beautiful memories. Those memories are what keep Grace from admitting Jon has changed and is no longer the man she fell in love with.
Afraid of being alone and holding on to something that no longer exists Grace is a shadow of her former self. Her daily objective is to hide her pain from the world. Then, an unexpected letter sets off a whirlwind of potential life changes. In life sometimes the hardest thing to do is let go.
I have read one other book by this author and I liked that one so I was really looking forward to reading this one! I was really looking forward to seeing where it went and to connect with the characters! This book really was amazing! I wasn't really sure what to expect when I started reading as the synopsis is pretty vague but after reading the book you realise how well it actually suits the book! Stages of Grace is a wonderful book about a range of emotions and about finding love again! I found it strange as the book just continued and it didn't have any chapters in it! This is the first book that I have ever read like this and I do have to say that I loved it! l also loved how the author did split the book up! The plot was amazing! I was intrigued by it from the first page! I do think that it started a bit slow but it soon picked up and I couldn't read it fast enough! It was completely different to what I was expecting as I sort of had my own idea of what to expect but the author completely surprised me! I thought that I knew where the book was going to go when I first started reading and I actually didn't think that I was going to enjoy it but the author soon completely changed my mind as the book developed into something that I didn't think it would! The characters were amazing! Grace was the main character and I loved her! I felt so sorry for her at the start of this book as she was stuck in a relationship that she didn't want to be in but she didn't have anywhere else to go so she tried to act happy when inside she was crumbling! I think that she was brave and I loved that I connected with her the whole way through the book! I kept hoping that she would just leave her relationship but I can understand why she didn't! Ryan was the love interest of Grace and he was so cute! I loved his relationship development with Grace and also how gentle and loving he was towards her! I adored Grace and Ryan as a couple! I loved how their relationship developed and the pace that it developed at! I can definitely say that they are my favourite couple from any of Carey's books! I can completely understand why this book is a standalone but I would love another book to Grace and Ryan's story! The cover is also stunning! It is beautiful and it really suits the book! Big thank you to Carey for an ARC of Stages of Grace and also for mentioning me in the Acknowledgements and also to Supagurl Tours for having me on the Blog Tour!

Author bio:
Carey Heywood lives in Richmond Va with her husband, three children and nine pound attack Yorkie. Unabashedly silly, she spends her free time bonding with candy loving strangers on Twitter. Right now she is probably eating Swedish fish.
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