Publication date: 18th February 2013
Paperback edition: 234 pages
Source: Kindle
Synopsis: Nerita is tortured and put through more pain than she ever imagined could happen. Ahlic has captured her and locked her in a room where there’s no chance of escape on her own. He forces her to watch the murder of a friend. She strikes a deal to try and save lives but Ahlic is not the bargaining type. After escaping, Ahlic forces her to endure a traumatic loss and haunts her in her dreams. More powers emerge from her, shocking everyone and leaving them slightly afraid. While on her own, a witch shows her the future and tells her grave news. A battle rages in her heart; unsure of how to handle the revelation.
She seeks Ahlic...but not to destroy him. Feelings she can’t control drive her to insanity and lust. Will Nerita give in and fall for what she’s been trying so hard to destroy?
This book was so much better than the first! I was looking forward to reading it after the ending to Burning in Water! I do have to say that I was slightly confused at the beginning of this book as it just jumped straight back into the story so I went back and re-read the last few chapters of the first book so that I could refresh my memory! Drowning in Fire has so much in it and I zoomed through it! I loved it! The plot continued on from where Burning in Water left off and I really enjoyed it! There was so much in it as well and it just kept getting better and better! This book drew me in from the first page but there was a point that I didn't think that I was going to enjoy reading the rest but I was so engrossed in it that I couldn't put it down! I wish that I had read it slower but it was pretty short and it was so good that I couldn't put it down! I loved that it was longer than what Burning in Water was! The characters were amazing! Nerita had changed since the first book as she was a lot stronger and she knew how to use her abilities better! I loved her more in this book than what I did in the first one! There were some scenes where I felt so sorry for her but I won't spoil this book for you by telling you those scenes! There were also some scenes where I lost some respect for her! I personally felt that she made some wrong decisions but she definitely redeemed herself by the end of the book! Gavan in this book was hotter than in the first book! He went through a lot in this book and I felt like I connected with him more in this book than the first one! I didn't like Ahlic at all in this book! There were some scenes were I thought that I was going to like him but then he would do something that would make me continue to dislike him! There was a love triangle between Nerita, Gavan and Ahlic! I wasn't expecting this love triangle but I did sort of enjoy it! It also didn't really come in until quite far through the book! I loved that this book was written from Nerita, Gavan's and Ahlic's point of views as it allowed me to find out what each character was thinking and also learn more about all of them! The ending was such a cliff-hanger! I didn't see it coming at all! I am really looking forward to seeing where the next book in this series goes as I really enjoyed this one and also to see what happens after the cliff-hanger! The cover is also stunning! I love it! Big thank you to Arielle for a copy of Drowning in Fire also for having me on the Blog Tour!
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Thank you so much for hosting Arielle Caldwell in the book tour. I very much enjoyed it. The obvious answer to your question...a villain is the bad guy. But, I personally like bad guys with a back story. Crazy doesn't usually explain things for me. I like revenge, power and money for backstories. They hold up better in series.