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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 9 August 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Creatura by Nely Cab!

Publication date: 6th June 2011
Paperback edition: 308 pages

Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: Isis can control her dreams. Or she could—until recently. The creature in her nightmares has been haunting her for months. As if being dumped wasn’t bad enough, now she dreads going to sleep. She decides to confront the creature and win back some of her peace; only, she finds that he’s not a monster and he’s not a dream.

A sacrifice for love, a shocking discovery and a jealous ex-boyfriend blur the lines between reality and dreams, making it hard to tell who the real monsters are.

Who would’ve known…that sometimes love is lethal?

I had heard a little bit about this book before I joined the Blog Tour for it, but I hadn't heard a lot, so before I started reading I quickly scanned over some reviews to see if it was my kind of book and Creatura sounded amazing, so I was really excited to read it! I'm so happy that I took the risk of doing a review for the Blog Tour as it definitely paid off! This book blew me away! I didn't expect quite so much from it! The plot was unique and had a lot of potential! It was explained really well  that I didn't get confused and normally books like Creatura confuse me a little! The plot went at a good pace and it kept me interested! It also just kept getting better and better and I loved the twists that were thrown in! They changed everything! The plot did get a little strange at some places, but I think I found it strange because I haven't really read a lot of books like this one! It was really unique! The characters were amazing! Isis was the main character and she was such a likeable person! I connected with her instantly! She was brave and she went through quite a lot in this book! Isis went through some changes in this book, but in the next book I think she will go through tremendous changes! Creatura was the start of Isis's journey and I got just a taste of what to expect! David was the love interest of Isis and he wasn't like a lot of other male characters that I've read about! He was polite and well-spoken, but he also had a hot, protective side that came out at several points in this book! He went through a lot of emotional changes in this book as well and I loved how he handled these changes! There were also a lot of other characters in this book and they all added so much to the story! There were some good characters and some bad characters, but they were all equally amazing! The ending of this book was so unexpected! I did think that this book was a standalone, but after that ending there is absolutely no way it's a standalone! I actually kept flicking through expecting more pages and there wasn't! I'm really looking forward to the next book in this series and seeing where the characters and the plot goes! The new cover got revealed just a couple of days before I actually started reading this book and I'm completely in love with it! I think it suits the book a lot better than the original cover! Big thank you to Nely for a n ARC of Creatura and to Amber for having me on the Blog Tour!


Author bio:

Nely Cab was born on December 9, 1974, in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. She has lived and resided in South Texas most of her life. In 2001, the author relocated to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, where she dedicated time to the study of culinary arts and the art of oil painting.

After her return to the U.S., she resumed her employment in banking and in the following year transitioned to the field of Social Work. Later, Nely took up writing as a hobby and produced her first novel entitled "Creatura".

Last year, the rights to "Creatura" were sold to a leading Young Adult publisher in a foreign country, where it has just recently been released.

Today, Nely Cab writes from the comfort of her home in South Texas, where she lives with her husband and son. Currently, Nely is working on the second installment in her debut series "Creatura".

Website: www.nelycab.com
Facebook Author Page: www.facebook.com/NelyCab

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