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Thursday 1 August 2013

Cover Reveal: Torch [Take It Off 01] by Cambria Hebert!


***This is a new adult contemporary novel and contains sexual content and graphic language. It is not intended for young adult readers.***

If you can’t take the heat… stay away from the flame.

Katie Parks has been on her own since the age of fifteen. All she’s ever wanted is a place to call her own—a life that is wholly hers that no one can take away. She thought she finally had it, but with the strike of a single match, everything she worked so hard for is reduced to a pile of smoking ash. And she almost is too.

Now she’s being stalked by someone who’s decided it’s her time to die. The only thing standing in the path of her blazing death is sexy firefighter Holt Arkain.

Katie’s body might be safe with Holt… but her heart is another story.

As the danger heats up, sparks fly and the only thing Katie knows for sure is that her whole life is about to go up in flames.

Be part of the 3 day Release Day Blitz!

There will be a 3 day release blitz event hosted by Girls *Heart* Books. You can sign up to be part of the blitz here:http://girlsheartbookstours.blogspot.com/2013/07/hosts-needed-book-release-blast-torch.html

The Take It Off Blog Tour!

The Take It Off tour is being hosted by Girls *Heart* Books and will take place September 29th- October 30th

The tour not only celebrates TORCH but also TEASE, the second release in the series (Sept. 2013). And then on the final day of the tour the third book in the series will release!!!

If you would like to sign up for the Take It Off tour you can do that here:

Author bio:

Cambria Hebert is a latte sipping author of the Heven & Hell series, the Death Escorts series, and the Take It Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major and ended up with a degree in
cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting http://www.cambriahebert.com

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