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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 2 August 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Unbreakable [Unbreakable 01] by Rebecca Shea!

Publication date: 23rd July 2013
Paperback edition: 289 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Jessica Harper is the epitome of perfection. She’s a good daughter, makes excellent grades, and always strays on the safe side of life. The last thing she thought would ever happen was falling in love with her best friend’s brother. But sometimes fate just has a way of bringing two people together.

Wide receiver for the University of Arizona, Gabe Garcia, seems to have it all. When his feelings for Jessica come to surface, Gabe will give up everything to be with her.

But what happens when a tragedy abruptly changes the course of your life? For Jessica and Gabe, everything they thought they knew about each other will be questioned. Sometimes, there are scars in life that are cut too deep to completely heal.

Will their love prove to be unbreakable, or will it shatter and prove fate is just another lie?

Favourite quote: "Until the day I die, I will love you with my last breath."

I originally wasn't going to sign up for this Blog Tour as at that time the book didn't have a cover so I only had the synopsis to go on and while it seemed appealing I really wanted to see the cover! I'm so, so, so happy that I signed up for this Blog Tour though! This book was absolutely amazing! It was full of emotion and just completely blew me away! It was written beautifully and I cried my eyes out at it as well! The plot of this book was so unexpected! Something happens in it that fuels the plot and I can honestly say that I didn't see it coming! It completely stunned me, but this book really showed me how hard it is to go through something like the main character did and then bounce back from it through making some tough decisions! The plot was so heart-breaking and so full of pain and emotion that my tissues were running out like crazy! The plot made me realise that sometimes with love we all need some time apart to heal from something that has happened to us and in time we all find our way back to the one person we really love! The characters were exceptional! Jessica was the main character and at the beginning of this book she was a lovable, friendly, full of life person and then something happens to her that makes her retreat into a shell! She becomes a former shadow of what she used to be and my heart completely broke for her! What I loved about Jessica though was that she had been through a lot and yet she still managed to take back control of her life! Yeah, it might have taken her a while, but she did it! Gabe was the person who loved Jessica and I could really see how far his love for her went! It was the sort of love that everyone wants and cherishes once they've found it! Gabe also made some tough decisions in this book, but what I loved about him was that he never gave up on Jessica! He kept his love for her and it was his love for her that got him through! There was sort of a love triangle in this book between Jessica, Gabe and Landon and I have to say that I was completely torn between both boys! I knew who was the right person for Jessica, but Landon completely surprised me and I loved how honest he was with Jessica even though it meant him getting hurt! I also loved that this book was written from Jessica, Gabe and Landon's point of view as this way I actually got to see the story from all three of their point of views and I got to connect with all three of the characters more! I will definitely be reading more books by this author as she releases them as she has thoroughly impressed me with her debut novel and I'm looking forward to seeing what else she brings to the book world! The cover for Unbreakable is stunning! I thought that it would be, but I'm in completely in love with it! Big thank you to Rebecca for an ARC of Unbreakable and to Shh Mom's Reading for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!
Author bio:
Rebecca Shea lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her family and her first “kid” her beagle, Miles. From the time Rebecca could read she has had a passion for reading and books. Rebecca spends her days working full-time in the financial industry as a marketing manager. Born and raised in Minnesota, Rebecca moved to Arizona in 1999 to escape the bitter winters. When not working or writing, she can be found on the sidelines of her boys football games, or watching her daughter at ballet class. Rebeccais fueled by insane amounts of coffee, margarita’s, Laffy Taffy (except the banana ones), and happily ever after’s.
