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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Unafraid [Beachwood Bay 02] by Melody Grace!

Publication date: 27th August 2013
Paperback edition: -

Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: "The first time I saw her, I knew this girl was wilder than any stallion I’d ever trained. She was headstrong, wounded, passionate and free. And I had to have her…"

Brittany Ray doesn’t care about her bad reputation. Growing up in a sleepy beach town with a junkie mom and a runaway dad, Brit’s learned the hard way that the people you love will only let you down. It’s no use hoping for love or happiness. Some dreams aren’t meant for girls like her.

Hunter Covington is one of those dreams.

Gorgeous, charming Hunter is damn near perfect—and it’s killing him. Son of Charleston royalty, he’s been trapped in a gilded cage since the day he was born. Now he’s breaking free. He’s quit law school to restore his grandpa’s old horse ranch, trying to soothe the demons in his soul. But Beachwood Bay is full of old ghosts, like the mysterious girl who spent an unforgettable night with him—and then slipped away before dawn. Brit.

Everything about her screams danger, but Hunter doesn’t care: he’s never felt a connection so deep. And try as she may, Brit can’t resist the desire consuming her —or the safety she finds in Hunter’s arms.

A reckless passion. An undeniable bond. Scarred by their pasts, Brit and Hunter fight to heal old wounds. But will dark secrets tear apart their new beginning? And when love is the biggest risk of all, can they find the courage to face the future unafraid?

Favourite quote: "That's life. That's love. You have to figure out what you want and then fight like hell. Because it's never easy, not when your heart's on the line."

I had been desperate to read this book after I read Unbroken and fell in love with Melody Grace's writing! I then read Untouched and that was just as amazing! If it's possible, Unafraid was even better! It was a touching, beautiful story about two people trying to escape their lives and finding love along the way! The plot was written beautifully! It was amazing and I couldn't put it down! The plot was easy to follow and I loved that characters from the last book were in this book! When I was reading it I felt like I was feeling the emotions that the characters were and it was such an odd, but surreal feeling! I'll admit that I did cry at the end of this book because it was so beautiful and Melody has such a way with words that there was nothing for me to do but cry! The characters were exceptional! I just couldn't get enough of them! Brittany "Britt" was the main female character in this book and I didn't actually click on that Britt was actually Emerson's (the main male character in the first book) younger sister until it was mentioned in this book! How bad a fan does that make me?! I honestly forgot that she was in Unbroken! I can say that I certainly won't forget her again! Unafraid was her book and I connected with Britt instantly! She had created this persona of how she was perceived and there was one person who didn't see right through her! This person saw Britt for who she really was! Britt also sort of held people at arms length, until Hunter tells her this and she realises that he actually isn't like other guys! He won't run away and hurt her! He'll stand with her, and he proves this to her this all the way through this book! Hunter was the main male character and he was so hot! He had been through a lot and he was trying to get his head around it all! I loved Hunter as he didn't let Britt down! He was always there for her and I could see how much he loved her! Their love was so beautiful! I loved that this book was written from both Britt and Hunter's point of views as this was definitely essential! Both characters came from different backgrounds so it was interesting to see how the two of them really felt about each other! I cannot wait to read the next book in this series! I wasn't sure if there was going to be another book, but it tells you who the lucky couple are at the end of Unafraid and I cannot wait to see what's in store for them! I will never get over how stunning the cover for Unafraid is! When I first saw it I squealed because it's one of those covers that you just need to buy in print and have on your bookcase! Big thank you to Melody for an ARC of Unafraid and to Kelly from InkSlinger PR for having me on the Blog Tour!

Unafraid (Beachwood Bay, #2)
Check it out on Goodreads!
Author bio:
Melody Grace is the USA Today bestselling author of UNBROKEN and UNTOUCHED. A small-town girl turned SoCal beach-lover, she spent years with her nose in a book before deciding it was time to write them for herself. She loves bad boys, good books, and pistachio-flavored ice-cream.


  1. I want to read Unafraid because I really enjoyed Unbroken and I'd like to read more by Melody Grace.

  2. I want to read Unafraid because I've never read anything by Melody Grace (So I'm definitely thinking I have to check out Unbroken) and Brittany just sounds like a character that I'd really enjoy reading about....I like that she seems very real and relatable!! :) Great post and thanks for the great giveaway!!! :)
