Publication date: 2nd October 2014
Paperback edition: 272 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 3 stars
Synopsis: Sixteen, of noble birth and stunningly beautiful, Elizabeth Howard envisions a glorious life for herself as lady-in-waiting to the future queen, Catherine of Aragon. But when she is forced to marry Thomas Boleyn, a wealthy commoner, Elizabeth is left to stagnate in the countryside while her detested husband pursues his ambitions. There, she raises golden girl Mary, moody George, and ugly duckling Anne - while staving off boredom with a string of admirers. Until Henry VIII takes the throne . . .
When Thomas finally brings his highborn wife to London, Elizabeth indulges in lavish diversions and dalliances - and catches the lusty king's eye. But those who enjoy Henry's fickle favor must also guard against his wrath. For while her husband's machinations bring Elizabeth and her children to the pinnacle of power, the distance to the scaffold is but a short one - and the Boleyn family's fortune may be turning...
When Thomas finally brings his highborn wife to London, Elizabeth indulges in lavish diversions and dalliances - and catches the lusty king's eye. But those who enjoy Henry's fickle favor must also guard against his wrath. For while her husband's machinations bring Elizabeth and her children to the pinnacle of power, the distance to the scaffold is but a short one - and the Boleyn family's fortune may be turning...
I was surprised with this book when the publisher sent me a paperback for review! I wasn't expecting it, but when I read the synopsis, it sounded really interesting! I have to admit though that I didn't enjoy this book as much as I thought I was going too. It was very detailed, which I liked, and I loved that it was set in the Tudor time period, but it took me days, and I mean days, to get through! I have to say that I also found myself skipping some of the description because I could still follow the story without reading it all. The plot developed kinda slow as well, but quite a lot happened in it and it took place over quite a long space of time, which I enjoyed! I also don't normally read historical books, so I think that also contributed towards how I felt and the rating I gave this book. This book would be an awesome book for someone who loves historical books though! I found the plot interesting as it was set in Tudor times and I liked that it told the story of Anne Boleyn through the eyes of her mother! The plot developed nicely as well and had a lot in it! Overall, this book wasn't my typical kind of read, and I probably wouldn't have picked it up if the publisher hadn't sent me it, but I thought it was an okay read. The characters really surprised me! Elizabeth was the main character and my feelings about her were all over the place in this book! There were times where my heart went out to her, and then there were times when I sort of wanted to shake some sense into her! I mean, I could understand why she felt the way she did and she did the things she did, but sometimes I found her actions or the way she thought inexcusable. I had to keep reminding myself that Elizabeth's story was set in a different time to now though and that people thought differently back then. I also thought that Elizabeth was going to redeem herself in this book, and she did in a way, but it took a while! Elizabeth was also forced to marry Thomas in this book, and Thomas was only interested in himself and his success. The two of them put up a façade to portray that they were happy as a family, but they really despised each other and had no romantic feelings for each other whatsoever. This made me feel sorry for Elizabeth as her mind-set may have changed if she had been happy and fallen in love instead of being pushed into a forced marriage. I can completely understand why this book is a standalone! The ending was interesting and the plot was all wrapped up and didn't leave any unanswered questions! After reading this book though, I'm really sorry to say that I probably won't read this author's other books. I'll definitely check them out, but I don't read historical books, apart from one series, so this book was a new challenge for me. I'd definitely recommend this book to someone who loves historical books though! The UK cover for this book suits it perfectly! I love it! The model on the front makes a really good Elizabeth too! Big thank you to Piatkus for sending me a paperback of The Boleyn Bride for review!

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