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Tuesday 18 February 2014

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Meant for Me [Second Chances 03] by L.P. Dover!

Publication date: 30th December 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: After a night of raw passion with the man Claire O’Briene had been secretly admiring for years, she thought their time together had come once and for all. Fate had finally brought them back to each other, but unfortunately nothing had changed. He was still the same man who ran away from relationships. Against his better judgment, Mason Bradley gave in to the temptation and allowed himself one night with the one woman he’d been too afraid to want … too afraid to need.

Six months after leaving Claire and regretting every minute of it, Mason gets called in for an undercover mission that’s not only dangerous, but brings back a past he spent years trying to forget. A past of fighting … of getting in the ring and using his fists to get what he wanted: money, women, and drugs. Now there are fighters turning up dead, and it’s Mason’s job to find out the truth.

Knowing he might not come out of the mission alive, Mason seeks out Claire to tell her how he truly feels, only to find another man competing for her love as well. Fighting is what he’s good at, and for once he will be fighting not only for justice … but for love.

Favourite quote: "The only thing about loving hard is falling hard when you lose it."

I always look forward to anything by L.P. Dover, but this was the book I had been waiting for! It was absolutely amazing! I was hooked from the first page and I couldn't put it down until I had finished it! Kind of like I am with all her other books too be honest lol! I was really excited when I received my ARC of this book because I had been anticipating its release and also the cover is majorly hot! The plot of Meant for Me was dangerous, intense and romantic all at the same time! It was about love, but it was also about the dangers of it and how people can use the love you have for someone against you! The plot went at the perfect pace to keep me hooked and desperate to read on to find out what was going to happen next! I loved its development and I loved the twist and turns as well! The twist and turns kept the plot interesting as I didn't know where it was going to go next! The sex scenes in this book were beyond hot! I knew there were going to be, but I didn't think they were going to be that hot! I swooned a good five or six times lol! The characters were amazing! Claire was the main female character and she was so sweet and genuine! I loved how far she was willing to go to make sure that her love interest was safe, even if it meant putting herself in the firing line! I thought that was very brave! She was also just a normal person that had been pulled into a situation that was a lot bigger than she thought! I connected really well with Claire because she was so normal and so nice! She had a bit of a naughty side to her as well, which came out when she was with her love interest! Mason was the main male character and he was oh, so hot! I loved how protective he was of Claire and I could tell that he really, really loved her! Mason was quite a complex character and this made me love him even more! I loved his protective and loving nature as they made him who he was and he was just deliciously hot! I loved that this book was written from both Claire and Mason's point of views, as it made the story more interesting and also getting to read the danger from both of their point of views made it more intense! I loved that characters from other books in this series were back in this book! Melissa and Brett from Trusting You, the second book in this series, made appearances in this book, which made me super happy because they I adored their book and I wasn't expecting them to appear in this book! I'm not sure if there's going to be another book in this series or another book/novella for Claire and Mason, but I think the ending was sufficient as it summed up the story and also Claire and Mason's relationship! The cover of this book is absolutely stunning! It's so hot and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it! It definitely suits the book as well! Big thank you to L.P. Dover for an ARC of Meant for Me and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!


Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:

USA TODAY Bestselling author, L.P. Dover, is the author of the Forever Fae series, as well as the Second Chances standalone series, and her NA romantic suspense standalone called Love, Lies, and Deception. She lives in the beautiful state of North Carolina with her husband, her two wild girls, and her rambunctious kitten Katrina.

Before she began her career in the literary world, L.P. Dover spent her years going to college and then graduated to cleaning teeth, which she loved doing. At least until the characters in her head called her away. She has never been the same since.


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