Blurred Lines!
No strings attached. No long distant relationships. Just sex.
She agreed to have fun over spring break.
What Emma didn’t realize was that her heart would be shattered into pieces after meeting Brody. Growing up she got everything she ever asked for, so when their two weeks were over, there was nothing money could buy to heal her broken heart.
Emma works hard in college to ignore the pain. She doesn’t know where he lives, his number, or even his last name. She thought he was out of her life forever…
Until two years later.
She hasn’t stopped thinking about him.
But it’s not that easy when they finally reunite.
Seeing Brody again has memories flooding to the surface again…making it hard to resist him. But can Emma keep her distance like she has to, or will there be blurred lines between what she wants and what she must do to move forward?
Bad Girlfriend!

What if time were the only thing that kept you from falling in love?
What if you knew when your time was up?
Kate Wesley knows about that all too well.
When time is no longer on her side, she decides to live.
When Kate visits her cousin Natalee the week of her wedding, Kate finally decides to be spontaneous, take risks, and live with no regrets. Kate‘s holding a secret she hasn’t even told her cousin but when an unexpected run-in with another house guest risks everything she’s fought hard against, she must make a choice.
Gabe never expected to meet Kate at his old college roommate’s house. Spending the week there before his friend gets married has turned out to be the best decision he’s ever made. Running into Kate wasn’t something he planned, but once he came face to face with her, he knew he didn’t want to let go. No matter how fast she ran away.
Life has a tricky way of catching up to you—of making choices for you that you wish you could change. Kate accepts her destiny and pushes anyone out that threatens to get close. But how will she feel when Gabe pushes right back? Right into her life where she swore him off?
Would you be with someone if you knew it wouldn’t last forever?
Would you risk it anyway for a chance at love?
Brooke is a midwestern gal, from the cheese state of Wisconsin! Go Packers! She's a stay-at-home mom of three beautiful children (one daughter & two stepsons) and a black furry dog. She's studied psychology in college, and counseling and education in graduate school where she found her love for writing. Most days you can find her reading or writing, or just hanging out with her family! She loves movies, cooking, and shopping! She's addicted to Starbucks, Coach purses, and wearing yoga pants.

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Sounds good. Can't wait to read.