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Friday 28 November 2014

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Hotwire [Christy 02] by Cindy M. Hogan!


   I was about ready to yank my arm away from his grasp when I heard Carson’s voice.
“There you are. I was starting to wonder if you fell in.”
I chuckled quietly as Viktor let go of my arm. Carson deserved a huge kiss.
“Shouldn’t you be worrying about your own date?”
   Viktor snarled.
“I couldn’t find her. I’ve been waiting for Amber to get back from the bathroom so I could see Wind kick her butt in the race for the can.”
   I took a step toward him. “I think you might be in for the shock of your life.” I took advantage of being free of Viktor’s hold and walked quickly toward Carson.
Division spy Christy Hadden can't wait for her latest assignment posing as a student at a prestigious New York City academy and car thief extraordinaire.

The best part of the mission is her attractive handler, Jeremy, and her new team. The worst part? The sociopath masquerading as the academy's most popular guy.

But soon she realizes the car thieves are much more than they seem. Her simple spying mission becomes more dangerous than anyone imagined. If the organization discovers her true identity, they won't hesitate to kill her, and if she fails, others will suffer the same fate.

Young Adults, teens and adults will love this exciting suspenseful adventure with a dash of romance. You won't want to put it down.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo or Smashwords

(Please click on the picture to enlarge it!)

Author bio:

Cindy M. Hogan is the bestselling and award winning author of the Watched trilogy, a YA suspense series with a dash of romance. She has since branched off to write a mystery, Gravediggers, that won Best YA novel of 2013, a contemporary romance, Confessions of a 16-Year-Old Virgin Lips, and the first in a spy series, Adrenaline Rush, the 2nd of which, Hotwire, is due out in Oct. 2014.

She graduated with a BA in education and is inspired by the unpredictable teenagers she teaches. More than anything she loves the time she has with her own teenage daughters and wishes she could freeze them at this fun age. If she's not reading or writing, you'll find her snuggled up with the love of her life watching a great movie or planning their next party. Most of all, she loves to laugh.

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