Paperback edition: 416 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: When Grey and Ben fell in love at thirteen, they believed they’d be together forever. They never dreamed that three days before their wedding, twenty-year-old Ben would suddenly die from an unknown heart condition, destroying his would-be-bride’s world. Grey would have spent the next two years simply going through the motions if it hadn’t been for their best friend, Jagger. He’s the only one who understands her pain ... the only one who knows what it’s like to force yourself to keep moving when your dreams are shattered.
While everyone else worries over Grey’s fragility, Jagger is the only one who sees her strength, and vows to always be there for her-even if it’s only as her best friend. As much as he wants Grey, he knows her heart will always be with Ben. But when Grey finds out that Jagger has loved her since before he even knew what love was, it might prove to be too much for her to handle.
Grey soon realizes their chemistry is undeniable, and they learn that admitting their feelings for each other means they’ve got to face the past. Is being together what Ben would have wanted . . . or a betrayal of his memory that will eventually destroy them both?
Favourite quote: "Letting go doesn't mean forgetting. It's accepting, forgiving, and being emotionally ready to keep moving."
I absolutely loved this author's Forgiving Lies series, so I was really excited about reading this book when I first heard about it! It sounded amazing and the cover is really pretty! This book was so much more than amazing though! I just couldn't get enough of it! The plot was absolutely amazing, and so beautiful and mysterious! It was also a bit different to what I was expecting! I thought that it was going to be about two characters finally admitting their feelings for each other, and to a degree it was, but then a mysterious/suspenseful side came in and made me even more hooked lol! The mysterious/suspenseful side ended though, but then even more things happened! There were also plenty of twist and turns to make this plot a complete roller-coaster! I mean, my mouth was left hanging open at a few lol! I read this book in a few sittings too and I had a hard time putting it down as soon as I started reading! Overall, the plot was just amazing and blew me away! The characters were amazing! Grey was the main female character and she had been through a lot! I could see how much it still affected her years down the line! My heart did go out to Grey at the start of this book too! I mean, of course it did! She had been through something horrible and she was still trying to heal in this book! Grey came a long way in this book though, and she was able to learn that it's okay to let go and move on! I also loved Grey's character! She was very likable and I connected with her as soon as this book started! She surprised me with how strong she was too! Jagger was the main male character, and he was smoking hot! I just adored Jagger! Everybody needs a guy like him! Seriously! I had some insane amount of respect for Jagger too! He was always there for Grey, even before the death of her fiancée, and I could see that he would do anything for her! He was also fiercely protective of her and had seriously deep feelings for her! I also respected Jagger for never acting on his feelings for Grey until Grey realised that she wanted him! Jagger was also such a nice, genuine guy! It was so easy to connect with him too! I also loved Jagger and Grey as a couple! They were seriously hot and it was amazing to see the both of them so happy together! I loved that this book was written from both Grey and Jagger's point of views! It helped me connect more with both characters and it was amazing to see the amount of love both characters had for each other! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I have no idea if it's going to continue Grey and Jagger's story or if it's going to be about a secondary character in this book, but I'll definitely be reading it regardless! As I said, the cover for this book is really pretty! It makes more sense after you actually read the book lol! The models on the front also make a good Grey and Jagger! Big thank you to Molly, William Morrow and Edelweiss for an ARC of Letting Go and to Bookslapped for having me on the Blog Tour!

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Author bio:
Molly McAdams grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband and furry daughter. Her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling and long walks on the beach, which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. When she's not at work, she can be found hiding out in her bedroom surrounded by her laptop, cell, Kindle and fighting over the TV remote. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies, fried pickles and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm...or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.

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