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Monday 22 December 2014

Release Day Blitz: Angel [Lucifer's Legion Motorcycle Club 03] by Kelli Maine!

On the run, Luc gets word from LLMC that the cartel has agreed to return Angel to them instead of killing her, but they need a replacement.

 If Luc hands over Lilith, trained and ready to be delivered to the cartel, the club will forgive him his betrayal and welcome him back into the fold.

 Luc must decide where his loyalty lies—with the club that saved his life and Angel who almost broke his resolve to never keep anyone for himself, or with Lilith, the crazy bitch who got inside his head and knows him better than anyone ever has.

Check it out on Goodreads!

  Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Kelli Maine is the erotic romance author of USA Today Bestseller and #1 Nook book, Taken, and the Give & Take series, along with the Dolls & Doms novellas and Chains. She lives in Northeast Ohio with her husband and kids. When she’s not writing, Kelli enjoys watching reality T.V., getting lost in random Wikipedia pages and searching online ads for vintage muscle cars.

Favorite Author: Diana Gabaldon

Favorite Food: Japanese

Favorite Superhero: Spiderman

Favorite Place I’ve Been: Yucatan Peninsula

Writing Must Haves: Coffee and chocolate

Plotter or Pantser: Proud Pantser

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