Publication date: 14th December 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: I tried hard not to fall for the bad guy.
My new roommate, Blake, is a jerk—an unemployed artist with a chip on his shoulder. I can’t stand him unless his hands are on me. He makes me desperate for him, and everything he makes me feel.
And then there’s my new boss, Pierce--successful, charming, and extremely good-looking. He goes after what he wants, but what does he see in me?
I try to stay away, but I end up in the arms of exactly who I was hiding from. And when I find out what’s being hidden from me, my heart twists in ways it never should.
I thought I knew him.
I didn't.
The way he kissed me.
The way his hands traveled every inch of my skin.
I thought it meant something, but as it turns out, it was all lies unspoken.
Favourite quote: "Love isn't defined by what you deserve. It's about finding that one person you know you can't live without and never letting them go."
I was really looking forward to reading this book when I first heard about it! I loved this author's Hearts series and this book sounded amazing, so I couldn't wait to read it! I then saw ARC sign-ups and quickly signed up for one, crossing my fingers that I would get picked lol! I then got an email saying that I was accepted and I internally squealed lol! I freaking loved this book! It was so hot, had a secret in it, and made me tear up at certain scenes! It also had me hooked! I read the first 80% in one sitting and then I had to make myself put it down to go to bed lol! The plot was amazing! There were some seriously hot scenes in it too, and I mean, they were seriously hot! The plot was also written brilliantly and I loved everything about it! It really intrigued me and left me wanting to read on to find out what was going to happen next! It was also so beautiful, but pretty emotional as well! As I said, it made me tear up lol! Overall, I loved everything about this book, and I loved it every bit as much as I was hoping too! The characters were amazing! Lila was the main character and she went through such a sad situation in the prologue of this book! My heart went out to her! She came back from her heartbreak though, but I could see that she was still cautious about starting something with another guy! I liked this about her! Lila was also a hardworking woman, which is something else I loved about her! She was just such a nice person as well and she was someone that I could see myself getting along with if I knew her! I just loved her! Her personality and the way she handled herself was impressive, and she learned a lot in this book about love! Blake was the main love interest of Lila! I say main as there's a sort of love triangle in this book! Blake was seriously hot, but seriously brooding! I mean, I knew he was hiding something, but when you find out his secret, you realise why he's the way he is! My heart did go out to Blake when I found out his secret! He'd actually been through a lot more than he let on, and even years later, he was still suffering! Blake was seriously hot though, and I could see that he had strong feelings for Lila, even though he tried to not have feelings for her! I loved Blake, and like Lila, he also learned a lot in this book about love, and that everyone deserves a second chance at it! As I said, there was a sort of love triangle in this book! It was between Lila, Blake and Pierce, Lila's boss! I was always Team Blake! There was no competition lol! I mean, I liked Pierce and all, but I just felt like Blake was the right guy for Lila! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! This book ended at a cliff-hanger and it made me cry! It was so sad and quite an emotional scene! I'll definitely be reading the next book as soon as it releases! The cover for this book is seriously hot! I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it and the models on the front make a really good Lila and Blake! Well, I'm assuming it's Blake ;) Big thank you to Lisa for an ARC of Lies Unspoken!

My song choice for Lies Unspoken!
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