My review for Distant Desires: Part One [Distant Desires 01]!
Publication date: 14th June 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: An erotic tale from beyond the stars.
Sophie Perez has never believed the stuff she reads online about possible life in space. Aliens are for the movies, for the weirdoes, and they most definitely are not real.
One night on the way home from a late shift at work, her car breaks down. Stranded on the side of a country road, with a dead cell phone, doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
Until strange neon lights appear in the sky. She thinks it is her imagination.
When an inexplicable circular ship appears overhead, she can't deny what's clearly right in front of her. Especially when moments later, she's taken onto the ship, a human hostage among those who are most definitely not human.
About to become a human guinea pig, possibly worse, the last thing she ever expects is to like the things these otherworldly beings subject her to. In fact, it is unlike anything she's ever experienced.
Will Sophie find her way back to her planet, or will she beg to stay where her pleasure is literally out of this world?
Sophie Perez has never believed the stuff she reads online about possible life in space. Aliens are for the movies, for the weirdoes, and they most definitely are not real.
One night on the way home from a late shift at work, her car breaks down. Stranded on the side of a country road, with a dead cell phone, doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
Until strange neon lights appear in the sky. She thinks it is her imagination.
When an inexplicable circular ship appears overhead, she can't deny what's clearly right in front of her. Especially when moments later, she's taken onto the ship, a human hostage among those who are most definitely not human.
About to become a human guinea pig, possibly worse, the last thing she ever expects is to like the things these otherworldly beings subject her to. In fact, it is unlike anything she's ever experienced.
Will Sophie find her way back to her planet, or will she beg to stay where her pleasure is literally out of this world?
I just love every book that this author has released, so when I heard about a series with aliens and spaceships and everything like that in it... Well, I knew I had to read it right away! I was really lucky to be chosen to receive an ARC of this novella! And, yes I squealed lol! The plot of this novella was so amazing! I loved the whole aspect of it! I will be honest and say that after I read the synopsis I was expecting this novella to go in a slightly different direction to what it did, but I still enjoyed the direction that the author took it in! The whole sexy, hot angle of this book just blow my mind as well! I mean, I didn't think the sexy scenes were going to be quite that hot! I may have had to fan myself lol! Sexy scenes aside, the plot was short, solid and brilliantly paced! The characters were amazing! Sophie was the main character and she reacted completely different to the way I would have if I was ever taken hostage on an alien spaceship lol! I would have been screaming and fighting lol, but Sophie was sort of calm and in control of herself! She did react like I would have at other times in the novella, but not much! I really liked Sophie! She was such a normal, everyday person who was placed in a not so everyday situation lol! She handled it all really well though! Tarek was the alien and love interest of Sophie in this novella! You learn a little about Tarek in this novella, but not a lot! I hope we get to learn more about him as this series continues! What I did learn about Tarek though is that he's freaking hot! I mean, of course he was lol! He also didn't know a great deal about humans, but he wanted to get to know what they were like! Tarek really intrigued me, so I can't wait to find out more about him in the next novella and see how he's going to develop! I can't wait to read the next novella in this serial series! The ending of this one was pretty insane and really unexpected! I mean, I kinda guessed it a little when I started reading the last couple of scenes, but it was still the perfect place to leave me begging for more! The cover for this novella is flippin perfect for it! I mean, hello hottie, right? Lol! The cover is so hot and the guy on the front is perfect to represent the character of Tarek! Big thank you to Cambria for an ARC of Distant Desires and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

My review for Distant Desires: Part Two [Distant Desires 02]!
Publication date: 27th June 2014
Paperback edition: 86 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: An erotic tale from beyond the stars.
Sophie Perez has never believed the stuff she reads online about possible life in space. Aliens are for the movies, for the weirdoes, and they most definitely are not real.
One night on the way home from a late shift at work, her car breaks down. Stranded on the side of a country road, with a dead cell phone, doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
Until strange neon lights appear in the sky. She thinks it is her imagination.
When an inexplicable circular ship appears overhead, she can't deny what's clearly right in front of her. Especially when moments later, she's taken onto the ship, a human hostage among those who are most definitely not human.
About to become a human guinea pig, possibly worse, the last thing she ever expects is to like the things these otherworldly beings subject her to. In fact, it is unlike anything she's ever experienced.
Will Sophie find her way back to her planet, or will she beg to stay where her pleasure is literally out of this world?
Sophie Perez has never believed the stuff she reads online about possible life in space. Aliens are for the movies, for the weirdoes, and they most definitely are not real.
One night on the way home from a late shift at work, her car breaks down. Stranded on the side of a country road, with a dead cell phone, doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
Until strange neon lights appear in the sky. She thinks it is her imagination.
When an inexplicable circular ship appears overhead, she can't deny what's clearly right in front of her. Especially when moments later, she's taken onto the ship, a human hostage among those who are most definitely not human.
About to become a human guinea pig, possibly worse, the last thing she ever expects is to like the things these otherworldly beings subject her to. In fact, it is unlike anything she's ever experienced.
Will Sophie find her way back to her planet, or will she beg to stay where her pleasure is literally out of this world?
I was really excited to read this serial because of where the last serial left it at! It was quite the cliff-hanger and I couldn't wait to see how the main character was going to react! I have to admit that it did take me a while to get round to reading this serial, but once I did, I couldn't put it down! It does kinda help that they're pretty short lol! The plot of this novella was even better than the plot of the first novella! There were a few more hot, sexy scenes, which I loved, and the overall plot was developed on brilliantly from the first serial! It also went at a really good pace and I was always desperate to read on and find out what was going to happen next! I couldn't put it down either! I can't wait to find out how everything's going to conclude in the final serial in this series! I hope it goes the way I'm thinking it will! The characters were again amazing! Sophie in this novella had to try and come to terms with what she was told at the end of the first novella! To be honest, Sophie did freak out, but then she sort of came to terms with how her future was going to change! I must admit that I would probably have freaked out more than what Sophie did, but I guess we all react differently in different situations! I loved Sophie in this serial though! She proved that she was strong and I loved that she stood up to her love interest! She was also such a normal, regular person, which helped me connect with her more! Tarek was again the love interest of Sophie! You get to find out more about Tarek in this serial, which I was hoping would happen! You also see that he has more than a slight jealous side to him lol! I loved this because it showed a bit of a more human side to Tarek! It showed that he wasn't all alien and that spending time with Sophie was bringing out a more human side to him! I loved seeing this because Tarek acted quite different and it was a good different! I also overall loved Tarek more in this serial than what I did in the first serial too! I can't wait to read the final conclusion to this serial series! The ending of this serial didn't leave it at a cliff-hanger that will leave you desperate for the next serial, but it left it at a satisfying ending that will make you want to find out what's going to happen next! Again, the cover for this serial is perfect for it! I love that the author went with the option of keeping the exact same cover for the series! I mean, the guy on the front suits the character of Tarek perfectly! Big thank you to Cambria for a copy of Distant Desires: Part Two and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

Publication date: 27th July 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: An erotic tale from beyond the stars.
Sophie Perez has never believed the stuff she reads online about possible life in space. Aliens are for the movies, for the weirdoes, and they most definitely are not real.
One night on the way home from a late shift at work, her car breaks down. Stranded on the side of a country road, with a dead cell phone, doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
Until strange neon lights appear in the sky. She thinks it is her imagination.
When an inexplicable circular ship appears overhead, she can't deny what's clearly right in front of her. Especially when moments later, she's taken onto the ship, a human hostage among those who are most definitely not human.
About to become a human guinea pig, possibly worse, the last thing she ever expects is to like the things these otherworldly beings subject her to. In fact, it is unlike anything she's ever experienced.
Will Sophie find her way back to her planet, or will she beg to stay where her pleasure is literally out of this world?
I was really looking forward to reading the third and final serial in this series! It did take me ages to have time to read it, but I always find time to read a Cambria Hebert book! The ending of the last serial in this series left it at a satisfying ending and I had my own thoughts as to how the plot was going to progress! I can say that the plot didn't go the way I was expecting lol! Some things happened that I thought would, but most of it I didn't expect! I overall loved the plot! It was brilliant! I was enthralled from the start and had such a hard time putting it down until I had finished it! There were also quite a few hot scenes in this serial, which were so steamy and the end also had the big action scene that I had been waiting for since the beginning of the last serial! Because of all this, this serial was probably my favourite one of the series! The other serials led up for what happened in this serial though and I loved those ones as well! The characters were again awesome! Sophie was again the main character and I loved her the most in this serial! She was pretty kick-ass and I loved the way she stood up to protect the people she loved! It told me a lot about her! Sophie also wasn't going to let anyone come between her and her love interest, Tarek, and I could see just how far she would go to protect him and their family! I just overall loved Sophie and I was really happy that she grew a lot as a person in this series! Tarek was again the love interest of Sophie! I again loved Tarek in this serial! He finally admitted that he felt something for Sophie and he proved that she was worth everything! He gave up so much for her and this showed how strong his feelings really were for her! I also loved that Tarek stood up for Sophie! He was also so protective of her and that jealous streak came out again in this serial lol! Tarek was also again such a hottie, which I adored! I mean, who doesn't love a hot alien, right? ;) I'm really sad that this is the final serial in this series! I've really enjoyed reading it and I loved how different it was! The ending was beautiful though and summed up the series! I'm not really sure what I can say about the cover this time around because it's the same as the cover for the other two serials! I still love it and I love how hot it is! And of course, the guy on the front suits the character of Tarek perfectly! Big thank you to Cambria for a copy of Distant Desires: Part Three and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!
One night on the way home from a late shift at work, her car breaks down. Stranded on the side of a country road, with a dead cell phone, doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
Until strange neon lights appear in the sky. She thinks it is her imagination.
When an inexplicable circular ship appears overhead, she can't deny what's clearly right in front of her. Especially when moments later, she's taken onto the ship, a human hostage among those who are most definitely not human.
About to become a human guinea pig, possibly worse, the last thing she ever expects is to like the things these otherworldly beings subject her to. In fact, it is unlike anything she's ever experienced.
Will Sophie find her way back to her planet, or will she beg to stay where her pleasure is literally out of this world?
I was really looking forward to reading the third and final serial in this series! It did take me ages to have time to read it, but I always find time to read a Cambria Hebert book! The ending of the last serial in this series left it at a satisfying ending and I had my own thoughts as to how the plot was going to progress! I can say that the plot didn't go the way I was expecting lol! Some things happened that I thought would, but most of it I didn't expect! I overall loved the plot! It was brilliant! I was enthralled from the start and had such a hard time putting it down until I had finished it! There were also quite a few hot scenes in this serial, which were so steamy and the end also had the big action scene that I had been waiting for since the beginning of the last serial! Because of all this, this serial was probably my favourite one of the series! The other serials led up for what happened in this serial though and I loved those ones as well! The characters were again awesome! Sophie was again the main character and I loved her the most in this serial! She was pretty kick-ass and I loved the way she stood up to protect the people she loved! It told me a lot about her! Sophie also wasn't going to let anyone come between her and her love interest, Tarek, and I could see just how far she would go to protect him and their family! I just overall loved Sophie and I was really happy that she grew a lot as a person in this series! Tarek was again the love interest of Sophie! I again loved Tarek in this serial! He finally admitted that he felt something for Sophie and he proved that she was worth everything! He gave up so much for her and this showed how strong his feelings really were for her! I also loved that Tarek stood up for Sophie! He was also so protective of her and that jealous streak came out again in this serial lol! Tarek was also again such a hottie, which I adored! I mean, who doesn't love a hot alien, right? ;) I'm really sad that this is the final serial in this series! I've really enjoyed reading it and I loved how different it was! The ending was beautiful though and summed up the series! I'm not really sure what I can say about the cover this time around because it's the same as the cover for the other two serials! I still love it and I love how hot it is! And of course, the guy on the front suits the character of Tarek perfectly! Big thank you to Cambria for a copy of Distant Desires: Part Three and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

Author bio:
Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting http://www.cambriahebert.com

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