Publication date: 17th June 2014
Paperback edition: 384 pagesSource: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Welcome to the Point.
There’s a difference between a bad boy and a boy who’s bad . . . meet Shane Baxter.
Sexy, dark, and dangerous, Bax isn’t just from the wrong side of the tracks, he is the wrong side of the tracks. A criminal, a thug, and a brawler, he’s the master of bad choices, until one such choice landed him in prison for five years. Now Bax is out and looking for answers, and he doesn’t care what he has to do or who he has to hurt to get them. But there’s a new player in the game, and she’s much too innocent, much too soft…and standing directly in his way.
Dovie Pryce knows all about living a hard life and the tough choices that come with it. She’s always tried to be good, tried to help others, and tried not to let the darkness pull her down. But the streets are fighting back, things have gone from bad to worse, and the only person who can help her is the scariest, sexiest, most complicated ex-con The Point has ever produced.
Bax terrifies her, but it doesn’t take Dovie long to realize that some boys are just better when they’re bad.
Favourite quote: “You don’t need anyone to show you how to be good, you’re so much better when you’re bad.”
I had been looking forward to reading this book for months before it released! If that synopsis doesn't grab you, then the cover will! I was then at a Book Convention that the author was at a few weeks after this book released and a friend very kindly bought me a copy there! I got it signed and then came home and devoured this book in a few sittings! I just couldn't put it down! The plot of this book was amazing! There was so much in it and I was always reading a few more chapters every chance I got! The plot was just completely kick-ass and everything led up to a huge climax at the end of this book, which was just insane and I may or may not have had my heart in my mouth during it! I just freaking adored the plot and I loved the sexual tension between the two main characters too! I just couldn't have asked for anymore from the plot or the development of the characters! The characters were amazing! Shane 'Bax' was the main male character and he was so freaking hot! Bax was a character that was sort of set in his ways! He knew what he had to do to survive, he knew who to associate with and he knew who to go to for a good time! Well, until a certain redhead came along and changed everything! Bax was such a loyal and protective guy and he did something at the end of this book which proved this! I also loved how protective and loving Bax was towards his love interest, Dovie! He did something near the end of this book which showed just how far he was willing to go to protect her, even if it meant sacrificing his own life! This told me so much about Bax! Dovie was the main female character and I just loved her! She was such an everyday person who was pulled into a really dangerous situation! She could hold her own though and I loved the way she was with Bax! She told him straight, even though at the beginning she had a slight fear towards him! She trusted him with her life the whole way through this book though! Dovie was such a sweetheart in this book! I just loved everything about her and her attitude was always positive! She was also a really strong character and I loved her determination to find out answers in this book! I loved that this book was written from both Bax and Dovie's point of views! I was expecting it to be after I read the synopsis and I'm really glad it was! It really helped me connect with both of the main characters more! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I know that Bax and Dovie aren't going to be the main characters in it and that it's going to be Race's story, but I'm sure that Bax and Dovie will make appearances in it! I can't wait to read Race's story as well! He was a character that really intrigued me in this book, so I can't wait to get inside his head! The cover for this book is so hot! I just absolutely love it and I love how well the model looks like Bax!

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