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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 28, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 11 March 2013

Blog Tour: Love and Blood [Blood Ties 01] by Jessica Gibson!

Publication date: 8th December 2012
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: Bronwyn Fitzgibbons was young and reckless. It was easy for Ronan to steal her human life and make her a vampire. She ran, but she never forgot him--or how he made her feel.

Rider saved Bronwyn from the new life she loathed and the new self she detested. His love restored her sanity.

Now Ronan is back to claim her. She struggles like hell against him, but she cannot deny the overwhelming power of her maker. Will Bronwyn surrender to the one who could possess her utterly? Or can she find the strength to choose the one who loves her as she is?

This was my first Jessica Gibson book after I had been talking to her months beforehand! I have no idea why I haven't read her books yet even though I have them all on my Kindle! I was also between 4 and 5 stars for it but I had to give it 4 stars for who the main character picked to be with at the end! This book had vampires in it which is enough to put me off reading it to be honest as vampire books these days are cliche or too extreme for my liking but Love and Blood was quite different to what I was expecting! There were other supernatural creatures like Fae and Werewolves in this book as well and they brought so much to the story! This book was pretty short compared to some other books that I have read so I managed to read it all in the one sitting! The plot was pretty dark! It was also pretty gory but I loved that Jessica didn't hold back with the gore and that she made it real! The characters were great! Bronwyn 'Wyn' was the main character and I really liked her! I didn't that she was sort of running from guy to guy but I can understand that she had feelings for both of them! The love triangle was between Wyn, Rider and Ronan! I was Team Rider the whole way through this book and I will probably continue being so! Ronan and Rider were very different characters but they both had feelings for Wyn! I thought that Ronan overreacted at several points in this book which was another reason why I was Team Rider! Rider was sort of the quiet, good guy who wanted the best for Wyn and I think that his feelings were more real compared to Ronan's feelings towards her! I will definitely be reading the next book in this series and I am looking forward to doing so! I also love the cover! Big thank you to Jessica for providing me with a copy of Love and Blood and also to her and Amber for having me on the Blog Tour!

Love and Blood (Blood Ties, #1)
Author bio:
Jessica Gibson is a recovering bookaholic, she's down from four books a week to a more reasonable one. It was that love of words and creativity that made her dream about writing her first book. That dream was hidden for years, always put on the back burner, filed away in the "someday" section, until her husband Matt gave her the kick in the pants she needed to actually get off her butt and write.
Jessica and Matt live in Southern California and have a serious addiction to reality tv shows like Pawn Stars and American Restoration. They have one son and hope to add to the family in the near future.
Aside from writing, she runs an online event planning business called the Release Day Diva. In addition to novels, Jessica writes and maintains the blog Book on the Bright Side. Keep up with Jessica and her latest releases and events on her blog.
Twitter: @jessicajgibson

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