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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Edge of Truth by Natasha Hanova!

Publication date: 6th June 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: Citizens who report to work on time, obey the Overlord’s laws, and stay off the Synbot’s radar, live long lives. Long, dull, monotonous lives.

It’s not a bad plan for someone with a hidden, emotion-based ability to trigger earthquakes. In a world pitted against her, sixteen-year-old Rena Moon strives for a life beyond working herself to death at the factory. Seeing an alternative, she risks selling relics from the forbidden lands at Market. It becomes the worst decision she ever made. Someone kidnaps her best friend in exchange for the one thing that would end her oppression.

Driven by loyalty, Rena and seventeen-year-old Nevan Jelani, soulful composer, green thumb extraordinaire, and the secret love of her life, plot to rescue her friend and reclaim her salvage. Still, the thought lingers whether Nevan is a true hero or another thief waiting for his chance at her loot. Events spin wildly, deepening Rena’s suspicions and pushing her limit of control. With more than her chance for freedom at stake, she must decide if she’s willing to kill to protect what’s precious to her. For once, the Overlord isn’t holding all the power, but can Rena live with being reduced to what she’s trying so hard to escape?
I originally wasn't going to sign up for the Blog Tour, but after I checked the book out I decided to sign up and when I got on it I was quite excited! This book took me a while to get into if I'm honest! I didn't think that it was going to, but it did! I started to read it and I kept having to read it a couple of chapters at a time! I eventually left it for a few weeks when I got about 70% through it and then went back and read the rest in one sitting! The plot of this book is a little dry to start off with, but it eventually starts to have some suspense and action in it! I really liked the last half of the book more than the first half! The plot was pretty unique! I don't think that I've read a book like it before! It was that unique that it took me a while to actually grasp what was going on in it! Once I did though I started to really enjoy it! I especially liked the big action scenes at the end as they were perfect to the resolving of the situation that had been happening through the plot! There were also aspects to the plot that I wasn't expecting to be in there, but they definitely made the plot and the book more interesting! The characters were great! Rena was the main character and I really liked her! It took me a while to connect with her, but I did pretty quickly! Rena acted older than what she was at times in the book and I could completely understand why! She was in a society that she didn't like and she had a big secret as well! I really liked Rena's beast friend, Blaze as well! Rena and Blaze were so similar, but so different that I could see why they were best friends! I also loved the relationship development between Rena and Nevan! I didn't like that it took more than half the book for their relationship to start, but when it did I loved it! Their relationship was so sweet! There were other characters that added so much to this story as well and I really liked them! I originally thought that this book was told from Rena and Blaze's point of views when I first started reading it until I realised that It was actually all told from Rena's! It did confuse me to start off with until I worked it out a couple of chapters in! I can see why this book is a standalone, but I can see potential for anther book or maybe a novella! I really like the cover! It suits the journey taken in the book! Big thank you to Natasha for an ARC of Edge of Truth and to Xpresso Book Tours for having me on the Blog Tour!
Edge of Truth
Check it out on Goodreads!
Check out all the rest of the Blog Tour stops here!

Author bio:
Natasha Hanova is an award-winning author of young adult and adult dark fantasy/paranormal fiction. Her short stories are published in Undead Tales 2, October Nightmares and Dreams, and Once Upon a Christmas. She is a member of Novel Clique, YALitChat, and an Affiliate member of the Oklahoma Writer’s Federation, Inc. She lives in Kansas with her wonderful husband, twin boys, and daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for participating in the tour, Kendall. I'm so happy you liked the book.
