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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Blog Tour: The Writers Voice Tour!

Tour Co-hosts:

The Writers Voice is a multi author blog where prominent authors from around the web come together and share their thoughts on all things literary or otherwise. Here is a peek at our team of authors!

If you could live in one book for a day,
what would it be?

“Is there a guarantee I would come out of it alive? If so then the Doctor Who novels or Portero from Bleeding Violet, if not then something safe like ABCs for beginners.”
–Emma Michaels

“I’d love to be in Oklahoma with the Phelan wolf pack. (I’m from Oklahoma and would visit my family…with a pack of wolves of course)”
–Devyn Dawson

“One of the J.D. Robb “In Death” books. But only if I get to be married to Roarke!”
–Raine Thomas

“I’d be a mermaid and go to Natatoria in a heartbeat.”
–Brenda Pandos

“The Mercy Thompson Series, those characters and that world is so fun.”
–Quinn Loftis

“Well, it certainly wouldn’t be The Hunger Games! Hmm...maybe Pride and Prejudice, because I’d love to wear the old gowns and go to dances with handsome Englishmen.”
–Shana Norris

“Oh gosh, if I could live in any book for one day it would be either The Neverending Story or Anna Godbersen’s Bright Young Things series.”
–Tanya Contois

“Totally bias – Mine. I want to go to where the sky is always purple, where there is nothing but silver forests as far as they eye can see. Turquoise oceans, and huge mountains. To explore the ancient Minoan ruins. Planet Poseidon where three huge shimmering moons ignite the entire planet in its powdery blue haze at night.”
–Carlyle Labuschagne

“Hogwarts School in Harry Potter.”
–Victoria Simcox

“The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. I read that book when it was released, but it’s stuck with me. Maggie is such an amazing writer. I would very much love to hang out on that island with Puck and Sean, trying to tame me a capaill uisce. If any of you don’t know what one of those is, then I plead with you to read this book. It’s amazing.”
–Frankie Rose

“I got to think on that one. Hmm…I guess I’d go with Isaac Marion’s Warm Bodies. I love that book, and I loved the movie. I think it’d be cool to be a sort of semi-conscious zombie who is starting to come alive. There’s a simplicity to be a zombie in that book, and getting to experience life all over again is priceless.”
–Michael Loring

“The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare – any book in the series. I would love to see the world as Clary does.”
–Amy Maurer Jones

Thank you for reading!
We hope you will join us soon at
The Writers Voice

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