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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Review: Forever Too Far [Too Far 03] by Abbi Glines!

Publication date: 9th June 2013
Paperback edition: 304 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Rush promised her forever... but promises can be broken.

Torn between his love for his family and his love for Blaire, Rush has to find a way to save one without losing the other. In the end one has to be more important. Letting go isn’t easy.

Blaire believed in her fairytale... but no one can live in a fantasy.

Her love for Rush and desire to have a family keep her believing that they can find a way for this to work. Until she has to make the right decision for her and the baby. Even if it breaks her heart.

Can they find the forever that they both want or has it all just gone... too far?

Favourite quote: “How far is too far?” I asked.
“It’s all too far. I want you right here beside me… forever.”

This series has been a whirlwind! I wasn't expecting three books from it, but I'm happy with where the series has gone! I was glad that this was the last book, not in a bad way, but I felt like another book will be too much! It would be a good experience though after reading this book! I adored Forever Too Far! I can't put into words how much! I know that some people think that a third book was too much, but I have to disagree with those people and say that a third book was sort of necessary after what happened in the last book! The plot for this book was progressed on perfectly from where the last book left off from! It went at the perfect pace to keep me begging to read on and I also enjoyed that there were some twists in the story to keep me guessing what was going to happen next! I really enjoyed the plot! It had suspense in it which I wasn't really expecting, but loved at the same time! I thought that the full plot was the perfect end to the series and to Rush and Blaire's story! The characters have changed so much from the first book! I still loved them though! Blaire has went through so many changes both emotionally and physically since I first met her in Fallen Too Far! She has grown so much and I couldn't be happier with how she turned out! She also had a thicker skin in this book compared to the last book which I loved! Rush has kind of lost his sexy attitude that attracted me to him in the first book and in this book he was a dotting husband and father! I wasn't really expecting him to change as much, but I guess that what he and Blaire have went through has made him grow up! He will forever stay hot and I will forever have a Rush Crush on him though! I can say that I adored him for how protective he was of Blaire in this book! I also enjoyed that Forever Too Far was written from Blaire and Rush's point of view as I thought that it added to the story and I loved getting to go inside both of their heads! A few new characters were also introduced in this book and I know that one character will definitely be in another book which I am super excited about! I'm sad that this series has finished now, but I will definitely continue reading any book by Abbi Glines and also I'm sure that Blaire and Rush will appear in a couple of other books based on characters from this series! The cover is so hot, but I don't really think that it suits what happens in the book! I don't want to give away spoilers for anyone who hasn't read the full series yet, but I think Blaire is missing something huge!

Forever Too Far (Too Far, #3)

1 comment:

  1. I did like the book, but there are aspects of it that for me could have been done differently, or left out all together.

    Marlene Detierro (Fishing The Deschutes River)
