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Monday 3 June 2013

Blog Tour: Rock Star Trilogy by Mercy Amare!

My review for Jaded [Rock Star Trilogy 01]!

Publication date: 23rd March 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: I'm Scarlett Ryan.

Yes, THAT Scarlett Ryan.

I live an extraordinary life: millionaire rock star, owner of exotic cars, pictures of me in every magazine, millions of fans, and a name that is recognized world wide. It's supposed to be my dream come true. But, my life IS a fantasy, and I want real. I want exciting. I want... NORMAL. So, I moved from California to Florida, hoping to obtain some normalcy. Instead I find...

Stephan Montgomery.

He's an arrogant jerk. Seriously, I hate him. I swear if he tells me one more blonde joke, I will punch him... again... Unfortunately I can't stop thinking about him, or his gorgeous green eyes. Trust me, I know that he's bad for me. If only my heart would listen.

I also find out that my parents have kept a LIFE CHANGING secret from me. I need to know the truth.

The harder I strive for normal, the stranger things seem to get.

I loved this book! When I saw the opportunity to beta read it I put my name in and when I was picked I was very excited! Jaded had amazing characters and a fun plot! It isn't your average rock star book as the main character is a female rock star and to be honest this is the first book that I have ever read with a female rock star as the main character and I have to say that I really enjoyed it! I really enjoyed that the author threw in some secrets and made some things happen that I wasn't expecting to happen in the book at all! She added twists in the book that left me pretty excited to find out what was going to happen next and how the twists were going to develop! The pace of the book was also perfect and I didn't lose interest once! The only bad thing I can say about this book is the chapter lengths! They were pretty short and I can sort of understand why as they were timed and dated but I found myself really getting into a scene and then it would end and move onto later on in the day or the next day! This is the only bad thing I can say about this book and I don't even know if it is a bad thing to be honest as it may just be a personal preference! The characters were amazing! Scarlett was the main character and I loved her! I loved how down to earth she was and how much she didn't really care about the amount of money she had! She was also determined to do what she wanted instead of being told what to do all the time by her parents and her record company! I adored her humorous attitude and her sarcasm! Stephan was the love interest of Scarlett and I loved him as well! I loved that he fell in love with Scarlett and not rock star Scarlett! He was funny and hot so I can completely see why him and Scarlett clicked! Scarlett and Stephan's relationship development was perfect! It went at the right pace to be really sweet and I also loved the witty banter between them as a couple! I really enjoyed the rest of the characters as well! The ending was so sad! I cried at it as it was just so heart-breaking and I really wasn't expecting it! I really felt sorry for Scarlett! I am really looking forward to the next book in this series as Jaded left it at an amazing ending that has left me begging for the next book! I also love the cover and I think that the girl on the front really represents Scarlett! Big thank you Mercy for letting me beta read Jaded for her!

My review for Faded [Rock Star Trilogy 02]!

Publication date: 6th June 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: I left Hope – the only place I’ve ever felt at home. So now what? Where do I go from here?

When I left, I didn’t just leave my home. I left my friends, my sisters, and Stephan… I just found them. I can’t lose them now.

I know that I want to do MY music. I need to remember WHY I wanted to
play music in the first place. And the only way to get that is by firing my dad, but that may be harder than I thought.

On top of everything, I now have cameras following me around everywhere. Even my own home isn’t safe anymore.

I’ve come to realize that normal will never be an
option for me.

After I had the opportunity to beta read Jaded I was seriously looking forward to reading Faded! Especially after that huge scene at the end! Faded was even better that Jaded! I didn't think for a second that it would be, but it so was! I thought that this book was going to be a bit different! I had my own ideas about where it could go and as soon I started reading I realised how wrong my ideas were! The plot of Faded was so different to Jaded, but I loved it even more! I think the plot had a lot more emotion in it and a lot more depth in it! The plot continued on from where Jaded left off from and Jaded's ending was pretty big! I loved the plot that much that I couldn't stop reading! I read this book in two sittings! The plot thoroughly impressed me and I loved it's development from Jaded! The characters were again amazing! Scarlett in Faded was different to the Scarlett in Jaded! She was more reserved and she seemed a lot happier in this book! She went through some big changes in Jaded and this book was about her getting used to those changes and making them a part of her life! She thoroughly impressed me! I also loved her attitude change! Stephan in this book was the exact same Stephan from the last book! I liked the secret that was revealed in this book about a part of his family, but I won't tell you what that secret was! I still thought that he was hot and I loved that he was always there for Scarlett! You could really see that the two of them loved each other! I wasn't a lover of Alec in this book compared to Jaded, but I did like his honesty towards Scarlett about his feelings for a certain character! I can't really talk about a certain character because it will ruin Jaded for you if I do, but all I will say is that I loved a certain character that Alec may or may not have had a crush on! I thought that she was developed perfectly from the person we met in Jaded! Again she was the complete opposite to Scarlett, but it was good to see two different attitudes on two different characters! I thought that the ending of this book was a little crazy! I didn't see it coming at all! I'm really looking forward to reading the next book in this series, Hated as overall this series is really impressing me! How pretty is that cover? It completely suits the first book in the series and I love it! Big thank you to Mercy for an ARC of Faded!

Faded (Rock Star, #2)
Author bio:

I am a YA/ NA author of the books: Don’t Tell, You Got Me, and the Rock Star Trilogy: Jaded, Faded, and Hated. I have a slight addiction to the TV series Pretty Little Liars and The Vampire Diaries. I'm 23 years old, and I currently live in St Louis, with my husband of 2 years.
US only!

1 comment:

  1. I have not read Jaded, but I look forward to reading it! Thanks for the giveaway!
