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Saturday 22 June 2013

Review & Giveaway: Amazingly Broken by Jordin Williams!

Publication date: 20th June 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Life threw Elana a curveball...Her mother died in Iowa and was left to fend for herself with an abusive and drunken father who could care less about her well being. After years of heartache and pain she graduated from high school and moved to Florida to go to college with her best friend Tiffany.

A new beginning...

That’s where she met Jaxon. He was everything she didn’t need. He was a cocky, tattooed, and a beer drinking musclehead. He was the type of guy that she normally would have avoided given her circumstances but when he offers her a bed to sleep on she can't say no.

She never thought that she would discover they weren't much different from one another and that he had his own secrets and scars he didn’t want revealed to anyone...
Favourite quote: "You know you're not a cancer or a disease. You're a cure. You're curing me every day."

When the author asked me if I would like an ARC if this book I instantly said yes! I was instantly intrigued by the synopsis after I read it so I was desperate for more! Once I started this book I couldn't put it down! The characters, the plot, the romance, everything! I just fell in love with it all! Amazingly Unbroken will keep you up until the early hours as you vigorously flick through the pages until the very end! It is an excellent read that will not disappoint you! The plot of this book sort of reminded me of beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, but I love that book so I didn't have a problem with it! This book was quite different to Beautiful Disaster as well so it was nothing like re-reading a book that you have read before! The plot was easy to follow and it just kept getting better and better! I wasn't expecting some of the plot so it was good to be surprised with it! I can't really even find a word to describe how amazing the plot was! All I can say is that it will blow you away! The characters were amazing! Elana was the main character and I just adored her! I could see how broken she was and I felt so sorry for her as I discovered more of her story! She had been through a lot so I could see why she was holding back! She was reserved character, but as the book progressed she started to come out of her shell! I think Elana made amazing progress with her life during this book and I really enjoyed her character! Jaxon was HOT! If you like tattooed, sexy, straight talking guys then be prepared for Jaxon! You will fall in love with him! I adored him! He was so funny and was so straight with Elana! Jaxon and Elana's relationship was beautiful! I loved that they both tried to hide their feelings for each other not knowing that they would actually help each other as they were both struggling! There was a love triangle in this book between Elana, Jaxon and Cole! I was Team Jaxon from the first glimmer of a love triangle and I stayed Team Jaxon for the whole of the book! I liked Cole, but Jaxon put himself in a new light with me and I just wanted Elana to end up with him! I also wasn't really expecting a love triangle in this book, but I did enjoy it! It added to the story! The secondary characters in this book also were amazing! They all brought so much to the story and I really enjoyed them all! I am quite sad that this book is a standalone as it has easily become one of the best books that I've read in a while! I wish that it was made into as series, but I can understand why it is a standalone! The cover is also hot! I'm not sure if I see the guy on it as Jaxon, but it's still hot! Big thank you to Jordin for an ARC of Amazingly Broken!

Amazingly Broken

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy it from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Amazingly-Broken-ebook/dp/B00DHVLZH6/
Barnes and Nobles: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1115718677

   He stepped back pushing my hand away. I leaned against the wall, watching him standing before me, wondering what he was doing. Then he dropped to his knees in front of me. Suddenly, he grabbed my leg and pulled it up over his shoulder. He brought his mouth right to my aching core, something that I never had done to me before.
   Crying out, I slammed the palms of my hands against the wall. It felt incredible, and as he sucked, swirled and stroked the most sensitive part of me, I made noises that I didn’t know were possible.
   Just as I was groaning his name, rocking my hips against him, he separated from me. Stumbling back a step, he brought his mouth back up to mine and shoved his tongue inside. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him flush to my body. I needed him so bad. Groaning, I grabbed his throbbing mass and tried leading him to where I needed him.
   “I want you inside me,” I breathed into his ear, wrapping my leg around him and pulling myself against his hand.
   He kissed down my neck, down my collar bone, and down to my breasts again. I swiveled against his hips, desperate for more. I was nearly ready to climax from the anticipation alone. He put one hand on each side of my ass and pulled me up. I wrapped the other leg around his waist as he lowered me down, lifting me slightly, lowering me again. Closing his eyes, he sucked in a quick breath through his teeth and dropped his head back His biceps pulsed against my arms as he supported my entire weight. The water pooled at our feet, and the steam filled the room.
   “Oh my god, Elana. Oh my…”

Message from Jordin: "My book Amazingly Broken deals with two broken people who learn to love again after everything they have gone through. You can see below the wide range of music genres included. There is rock, pop, country, alternative, R&B, and a few others. The themes they deal with are love, death, abuse, new beginnings, and loss of something other than death. Feel free to check out Amazingly Broken which is live now."

"Broken Bones" by Rev Theory
“Falling Away From Me” by KoRn
“Falling Into You” by Celine Dion
“I Believe” by Diamond Rio
“Need You Now” by Lady Antebellum
“Better Days” by Goo Goo Dolls
"I'm With You" by Avril Lavigne
"Gorilla" by Bruno Mars
“Is This Love?” by Whitesnake
“End of the Road” by Boyz II Men
“As Long As You Love Me” by Backstreet Boys
"Addicted" by Saving Abel

Author bio:
Jordin Williams is a 26 year old ghostwriter turned author. She lives in Iowa and has always loved to sit down and read a good book. When she started ghostwriting books they would become popular even though she was never given any credit so she decided to write her own book, Amazingly Broken.
Blog: http://authorjordinwilliams.blogspot.com/
Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/jordinwilliamsauthor
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jordin-Williams/360946550687776
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JordinBWilliams
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6886478.Jordin_Williams


a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly Broken has been removed from Amazon and B&N due to plagerism: http://dearauthor.com/book-reviews/the-plagiarizing-of-tammara-webbers-easy-by-jordin-williams/
