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Thursday 6 June 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Mending Hearts Series by L.B. Simmons!

My review for Recovery [Mending Hearts 1.5]
Publication date: 13th June 2013
Paperback edition: -

Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: I have the perfect life.

I’ve finally found my happy ending.

I fought through the loss of one husband, lucky enough to be given a second chance at a lifetime of happiness. Settling into our new lives, however, may not be as easy as it seems.

What really happens after the fairytale ending? What happens after the prince rescues the princess? After he sweeps her off her feet and carries her off into the sunset? Do they truly live happily ever after?


This is our story.

Favourite quote: "Let yourself live your life, because otherwise you're just wasting precious time."

This novella was amazing! After falling in love with Running On Empty I was really looking forward to seeing where Alex and Blake's relationship went to next! The author's writing again blew me away! I fell in love with it in Running On Empty and I fell in love with it again in Recovery! L.B. Simmons writing flows so beautifully! And it's super addictive! So much happened in this novella! It was like a time line showing some of Alex and Blake's life together and it showed the good moments and the bad moments as well! I also loved that some chapters of this novella were written from Blake's point of view as he is such an amazing character and I loved him so much in the first book! The plot of this novella was bittersweet! It started at a good point and then it showed the downfalls of a relationship and then it showed that love can conquer anything! This novella showed that every relationship has problems, but if you don't talk about your problems then they won't change and they will come between you as a couple! I loved the plot! It was quite short, but there was so much in it! It was the perfect addition to Running On Empty! The characters were again amazing in this novella! As this novella is told over probably a year Alex's attitude slightly changed! I still loved her and I could see why she had obviously changed slightly as well! She was still an amazing character! She was quite a stressed character in this novella, but she did have a lot going on! In this novella you really get to see Blake! He was the sort of broken character this time! He went through a lot and he had a lot of bottled feelings, but at a certain point in this novella everything started to work out beautifully! I wished that Blake would have spoken to Alex about his problems, but I could genuinely see that he didn't want to upset her! Blake and Alex as a couple still blew me away and they will definetely remain one of my favourite couples! I know that the next book in this series isn't about Alex and Blake, but I am still super exctied to read more of this series and also the authors writing! The cover for this book is stunning! It really suits the book and it also suits the cover for Running On Empty perfectly! I will say the exact same thing that I said about Running On Empty's title! It suits the book perfectly and it has a significance that you will discover as soon as you read the novella! Big thank you to L.B. Simmons for an ARC of Recovery! and to Brandee's Book Endings for having me on the Blog Tour!

Recovery (Mending Hearts, #1.5)

Check out my review for the first book in the series, Running On Empty here!

I had the perfect life.

Beautiful and loving husband. Three gorgeous little girls.
Successful career.

The only thing missing was the white picket fence. I really wanted that fence.

Three years ago, I lost that life. I lost my husband. And I lost myself. But, eventually, I found my way through the darkness. I’ve made peace with my new life. I have my girls, and that’s all that matters. They are my world. I have no illusions of ever falling in love again or getting whisked away on a white horse.

But then he came back into my life. On a freakin’ motorcycle.

There’s no way I’ll let him turn my life completely upside down. Absolutely no way.

question is…

How long can I keep pretending that I’m happy with my life being right-side up?

Running On Empty (Mending Hearts, #1)
Author bio:
L.B. Simmons is a graduate of Texas A&M University and holds a degree in Biomedical Science.  She has been a practicing Chemist for the last 11 years.  She lives with her husband and three daughters in Texas and writes every chance she gets. 


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