Publication date: 22nd July 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Life or Death? Not many people would choose death. But what if death chooses you? What if death doesn’t mean the end of your life, but the beginning?
For a Death Escort, death is life. Death is your paycheck. Death is your job.
And Charming is the best Escort the Grim Reaper has ever had.
But when you piss off the Reaper, being the best doesn’t matter. So Charming is assigned a Target who is practically impossible to kill. He knows the Reaper hopes he fails—that he’s counting on it. So Charming vows to prove him wrong. He vows to make the kill.
But someone else vows to get in his way. Someone with a big mouth, a sugar habit, and blond hair. Someone who makes his heart start beating again.
And so Charming is left holding more than one person’s fate in the palm of his hand. He thought the choice would be easy, that there really wasn’t a question at all.
He was wrong.
Life or Death?
Favourite quote: "Usually even on the cloudiest day, the sun will find a way to peek through at least once."
This book was so much better then the first one! I adored the first book, but I personally felt that it was missing something, and then I met Charming! WOW! The plot of Charmed was so amazing! I found it a bit confusing for the first few chapters, but then I was able to work out what was going on and who the main characters were! The plot went in a different way to what I was expecting too be honest! I thought that the main female character was going to be a different person to who it was, but I honestly couldn't have been happier with who it was! This book was also so much hotter than the first book! The temperatures in this book were off the scale! It was absolutely amazing and I'm happy that Cambria decided to take that step with making it so much hotter! I was just unable to put it down! It was so addicting to just read a couple more chapters every chance I got! The plot was just amazing! It was phenomenal! Everyone just needs to read it! Honestly! You will fall in love with Charming and devour this book in one sitting! The characters were also amazing! They made this book for me! Charming was the male main character and he was oh, so hot! I don't think I've met a male character that I've found as hot as what I found Charming! Seriously! I have so many book crushes, but Charming is definitely near the top of that list! He was so hot and sexy! I also loved how far he came in this book! Finding Frankie made him more human and I'm guessing for an Escort to find those feelings would be a difficult, but life changing experience! Frankie was the female main character and I loved her! I thought she was funny and I loved her determination with her attempts to stop Charming from doing when he was assigned to do! I didn't think that Frankie was going to be Charming's love interest, but I'm so happy she was! I also connected with her instantly and overall she was such an amazing character! I loved that this book was written from both Charming and Frankie's point of views! This was definitely essential as Charming has such a big background and to go into his head and experience it first-hand was amazing! I enjoyed that a lot of the characters from the first book were back in this book as I adored them all in the first book and they added so much to this story as well as the last one! I know that there is going to be another book in this series for another one of the characters and I cannot wait to read it! I am in love with this series and I cannot wait to see where Cambria takes it next! The cover also suits the book so much! It represents the character of Charming brilliantly as well! It is stunning! Big thank you to Cambria for an ARC of Charmed and also for having me on the Blog Tour!

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Author bio:
Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting
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