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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 5 July 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Glass Hearts [Hearts 02] by Lisa De Jong!

Publication date: 25th June 2013
Paperback edition: 187 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Can a relationship survive on love alone? Is love truly enough?

Dane and Alex’s relationship has never been easy, but now they have a fresh start without the pressures of Alex’s family. Together they try to move forward while continuing to struggle with a past that they can’t seem to escape.

Sometimes no matter how hard we try to make things work, love isn’t enough.

Sometimes even after a broken heart is mended, cracks remain, and the same doubts and insecurities that once yanked us apart seep in.

Can true love hold Dane and Alex together or will their hearts completely shatter like glass?

Favourite quote: "True love is the hardest thing to find, but it's also the hardest thing to lose."

Everybody just needs to read this series! They will honestly learn so much about love and about life from it! There are no word in the world that can describe how much Plastic Hearts impacted me! I fell completely in love with it and also the author's writing, so when I got an email about a Blog Tour for the second book then I quickly signed up! If you thought that Plastic Hearts was good, then you haven't seen anything yet! This book blew me away! I didn't think that I would enjoy a sequel to Plastic Hearts as it was so perfect, but this book was just as amazing! I can't begin to describe how much I loved diving into another book about Dane and Alex! I loved them in Plastic Hearts and I loved them even more in Glass Hearts! The plot of this book had continued on from where the last book left off from and in it you learn so much more about Dane that what you did in the last book! Dane and Alex both go through another tough time in this book and their relationship is impacted by what they're going through, but this book shows you again that even the strongest of couples go through a tough time! It doesn't make you love your partner any less, in fact most of the time it makes you love them even more, and this was the case for Dane and Alex! There were twists in this book as well that sort of changed the whole story! I didn't see them coming at all, but they added so much to the story and I loved them! The characters were again amazing! Alex in this book had grown so much since the last book! I completely adored her! She has come a long way, but her journey had only just begun! She was determined to stand on her own two feet and I really admired her for that! I also loved her for how much she supported Dane during his darkest days! This book was definitely more about Dane! He's the one that needed saving in this book and Alex was the only one that could save him! He was still so hot and so perfect, but so broken at the same time! I thought that Dane was just amazing with how he handled everything! I can guarantee that Alex and Dane will stay one of my favourite couples for years to come! I also loved that this book was written from both Alex and Dane's point of view as the last book was only written from Alex's and in this book I got to connect more with Dane and go inside his head! I know that this is the end of Dane and Alex's story, but I'm really looking forward to reading other characters from this series books! Maybe Dane and Alex will still be in them as well! That cover deserves some loving! Honestly! I am so in love with it! I can't tell you how happy I was when I saw that it had the exact same couple as Plastic Hearts on it! Big thank you to Lisa for an ARC of Glass Hearts and to Shh Mom's Reading for having me on the Blog Tour!


Author bio:

Lisa De Jong is a wife, mother and full-time number cruncher who lives in the Midwest. Her writing journey involved insane amounts of coffee and many nights of very little sleep but she wouldn't change a thing. She also enjoys reading, football and music.

Lisa De Jong

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