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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 12 July 2013

UK Blog Tour & Giveaway: Camp Boyfriend [Camp Boyfriend 01] by J.K. Rock!

My review for Camp Kiss [Camp Boyfriend 0.5]!
Publication date: 26th March 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: The Camp Kiss That Started It All…

Lauren Carlson, a fourteen-year-old expert on the cosmos, superheroes, and science fiction trivia has a crush on her longtime camp friend, Seth. Last summer she’d dreamed about upgrading their relationship to BF/GF status and this year she has a plan… if only her well-meaning cabin mates wouldn’t interfere before she’s ready. She hasn’t even adjusted to her new braces yet, let alone imagined kissing Seth with them. When a dare pushes her out of her comfort zone, will she and Seth rocket out of the friendzone at last? There’s only one way to find out….

This novella was actually really good! I can't believe it's free! I wasn't really sure what to expect from it so I went into it with okay expectations! What I got though definitely exceeded my expectations! The plot of this novella was very well written! It was slightly longer than some other novellas that I've read, but I really enjoyed it! It was interesting to experience what it's like at a summer camp because we don't really have them in the UK so it was good to learn a bit more about something that I didn't know much about! The plot was cute and it only took me one sitting to read it as I kept wanting to read on! This is probably the first book that I have read in years that's main characters were so young! They were only fourteen years old, but I do have to say that I probably wouldn't have known that if the synopsis didn't tell me! They acted so mature for their age and it felt like they were older! At the age that the characters were I was still holed up in my room reading books lol so it was interesting to be fourteen from someone else's point of view and see how they spend their summer! Lauren was the main character and unlike a lot of other main characters she had braces and glasses and was a bit self-conscious over her looks! I think that most girls were self-conscious over their looks at fourteen, but what I liked about Lauren was that she didn't let that overrule her! She still went for the guy she liked and well... I won't spoil it for you lol! She was a bubbly character and I connected with her really well! Seth was the love interest of Lauren and I loved his interaction with her! They were both so funny together and they made such a cute couple! Seth was the hot, popular guy while Lauren was the geek and it's true when people say that opposites attract! There were quite a lot of other characters in this book and sometimes I did get a bit confused as to who everyone was, but it was camp so there was bound to be a lot of people lol! I will definitely be checking out Camp Boyfriend as it's a continuation to this novella and Lauren is still the main character! The cover for this novella is so perfect for it! I personally didn't realise how perfect it was for the novella until after I had read it! Big thank you to Kayleigh for having me on the UK Blog Tour for Camp Boyfriend! 
Camp Kiss (Camp Boyfriend, #0.5)
Check it out on Goodreads! 
Grab your FREE copy here!
The summer of her dreams is about to get a reality check.

They said it couldn't be done, but geeky sophomore Lauren Carlson transformed herself into a popular girl after moving to a new school halfway across the country. Amazing what losing her braces and going out for cheerleading will do. Only trouble is, the popular crowd is wearing on Lauren's nerves and she can't wait to return to summer camp where she's valued for her brain instead of her handsprings. She misses her old friends and most of all, her long time camp-only boyfriend, Seth. This year she intends to upgrade their relationship to year-round status once she's broken up with her new, jock boyfriend, Matt. He doesn't even begin to know the real her, a girl fascinated by the night sky who dreams of discovering new planets and galaxies.

But Matt isn't giving her up without a fight. As he makes his case to stay together, Lauren begins to realize his feelings run deeper than she ever would have guessed. What if the guy she thought she was meant to be with forever isn't really The One? Returning to Camp Juniper Point was supposed to ground her uprooted life, but she's more adrift than ever. Everything feels different and soon Lauren's friends are turning on her and both guys question what she really wants. As summer tensions escalate, Lauren wonders if she's changed more than she thought. Will her first big discovery be herself?
Camp Boyfriend (Camp Boyfriend, #1)
 Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

J. K. Rock is the pseudonym for YA writing partners - and sisters-in-law - Joanne & Karen Rock. Although they started out sharing an annual shopping trip, they ended up discussing their favorite films and books, joining the same book club and talking about writing... a lot. Their debut novel, Camp Boyfriend, is the first in a three-book series that was plotted during family pool parties. Their creative partnership is unique in that they enjoy passing a book back and forth, each adding a chapter and fine-tuning the chapter before. Years of friendship has yielded a shared voice and vision for their work that makes writing a pleasure. To learn more about their writing as J.K. Rock, visit

Wanna be in with the chance of winning the Grand Prize goodies? The enter the Rafflecopter below!



  1. I saw this post shared on Google+ last night so I grabbed it and read the entire thing in one sitting. I was astounded by how similar it was to my own book. I haven't come across too many other books like mine, so it was really fun to see the similarities. For instance, sneaking around at camp, playing truth or dare, dating your best friend, the kiss in the woods, keeping the romance secret, all her friends pushing her to be with her long time crush, sneaking kisses behind the leaders backs...see what I mean? It was so much fun!

  2. I just got Camp Kiss last week and look forward to reading it. I would love to win Camp Boyfriend :) Thanks for the chance!
