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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 19 July 2013

Review: Untouched [Cedar Cove 0.5] by Melody Grace!

Publication date: 14th May 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source:  Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Emerson Ray is trouble. Juliet knows it the minute she lays eyes on Cedar Cove’s resident bad boy. Forced to spend her summer before college in the sleepy beach town, she never expected to crash into the most devastating guy she’s ever met—or for Emerson’s blue eyes to strip through her dark secrets, and make her feel a desire she’s never known. Their connection is undeniable, but Juliet is torn. She knows, once she gives him everything, there’ll be no turning back.

Juliet McKenzie is dangerous. Emerson can tell from the way she blows through all his defences, laying bare the demons he’s carried alone all his life. He’s left a trail of broken hearts and empty beds in his wake, but Juliet is different. Her innocence is intoxicating—and the passion she keeps hidden, just below the surface. He wants to be the only one to set it free, but with every kiss, he’s closer to losing control and doing the one thing he swore he never would: fall in love.

One summer. Two damaged hearts. Their story is only just beginning…

I was so thrilled when I heard that there was going to be a novella to Emerson and Juliet's story! I fell in love with Unbroken so it was amazing news! After I read the synopsis I knew that this book actually went back in time instead of forward! There are hints of this during Unbroken so I was sort of expecting Untouched to go backwards in time instead of forwards! I think that this novella should actually have been released before Unbroken was, but it doesn't really make a difference as it can be read as a standalone! Untouched was written beautifully! There is something about this authors writing that I think is just amazing! It just draws me right it and it's so beautiful!  Some of this novella was actually used as flashback scenes in Unbroken which I thought was pretty cool! I overall loved this novella! The plot showed you so much more of Juliet and Emerson's relationship and it showed you them first meeting and their relationship actually starting off whereas Unbroken was about them meeting again and rekindling their relationship which started in Untouched! The plot was beautiful! It was broken, but it was beautiful at the same time! There were these two broken characters living in horrible situations at home and the two of them show each other what it really feels like to be loved! Untouched was pretty short but it was a novella! I still adored the plot and the pace of it! The characters were amazing! I connected more with Juliet in this novella as she was so in control of her life even though she was breaking inside! Emerson was her hurricane! He swooped in and instead of leaving Juliet to hide in a corner he saved her! You sort of got to see a different side to Emerson in this novella! You saw him battle through everything that made him who he is in Unbroken and I loved that! Juliet saved Emerson just as much as he saved her! I also loved that Untouched was written from Emerson and Juliet's point of view as this time I got to see Emerson's feelings and how strong his love for Juliet was compared to Unbroken being told fully from Juliet's point of view! I am hoping that there is another book to Emerson and Juliet's relationship after Unbroken and I will be keeping my fingers crossed for news on that! I am also in love with the cover! It suits the cover for the first book and it really suits the story!

Untouched (Cedar Cove, #0.5)

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