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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 26 July 2013

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Searching for Tomorrow by Katie Mac!

What happens when you find the one person who completes you, and then life conspires against you? How do you set your grief and anguish aside? How do you pick up the shattered pieces, put those pieces back together again, and try to move on?

Katie and Tripp met on the playground the first day of third grade when Tripp tried to rescue Katie from Zack, her twin brother. A lifelong friendship that later blossomed into love began that day.

Broken beyond her own ability to repair, Katie boxes her grief up and attempts to raise her three girls the best she can on her own. As time slowly passes, Katie relives her times with Tripp while struggling most days to even get out of bed. She is reminded of him at every turn.

Zack is Katie's twin brother and was Tripp's best friend. Having lost his own love, he dedicates himself to helping Katie put her life back together. Throw in a mother-in-law who torments at every turn and poor Katie can't even find a chance to breathe, much less a desire to somehow search for tomorrow.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author Interview!

Tell us 5 surprising things about yourself.

1. I am a PK. If you know what that means, then you know what that means.

2. I have always wanted to be a red head with long, beautiful corkscrew curls.

3. No matter what I’m doing, I would rather be outside, day or night, hot or cold, rain or shine.

4. I was awarded two separate scholarships when I graduated high school. One was a teaching fellowship and the other was for writing.

5. I love to cook, almost as much as I like to eat. I spent a couple of years as a private cook for a local family and loved every minute of it

What is your writing environment?

At the moment, I have a makeshift office in my pantry! If need be, I can shut the door and cut off part of the noise. I hope to have a more permanent space soon.

One of your favorite quotes?
To whom much is given, much is required.          

Random things about my novel.

Just a bit of nonsense. I am Kathryn Anne, and my two sisters are Rebekah Elizabeth and Sarah Margaret. My husband is Channing, and my son is Zachary. One of my daughters is Elizabeth, and I still have to work my daughter Brittany into the book. Highlands is my most favorite place in the world to go when my soul need refreshing. Last, but not least, I actually had a great-grandma Tiddy!

Flirting Questions

What does love feel like?

Warm, fuzzy, secure, safe, sheltered

How did you meet your significant other?

In the lobby of the bank that I worked in. I was on all fours under a Christmas tree tightening the screws in the base. What can I say? Baby got back!

If you could take a romantic trip, where would it be?

Any trip I take with Hubs is romantic. One of his favorite things to do is to whisk me away to wine and dine me.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Absolutely! Ask me how I feel about my grandson Grayson!

Author bio:

I am a small-town Southern gal who loves flip flops, chocolate, sweet tea and dirt between my toes. I would rather work in my garden than clean my house. As far back as I can remember, I've had a book in my hand. Reading has carried me to places I will never go. It has introduced me to people that I will never meet. When life is great and when it is rough, I've always been able to find a book to carry me through. I finally decided to write down some of the stories in my head and heart after dawdling around and wasting years dreaming. I hope you enjoy reading those stories as much as I love writing them!

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