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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 29 July 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Resplendent [A Second Chance 02] by MJ Abraham!

Publication date: 28th July 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: Savannah Martinez and Andres Rivera have been friends since high school. She knew him better than anyone else and he was the only one she confided in.

But fate wasn’t on their side. When she gave him the chance to turn their relationship into something more, he let her go.
Heartbroken, and with time against them, she kept her distance in more ways then one. Now, years later, Savannah is back in town for good and he realizes how big the hole she left in his heart is.

When a secret comes to light, forcing a deeper wedge between them, Andres finds himself fighting for the one woman he may have already lost. Will he ever get a second chance to live his life with the woman of his dreams? Andres is determined to win her back, and
sometimes there is no better time than the present.  

I adored the first book in this series! It was everything I love in a book! I had been desperate to read this book since I finished the first one so when the author emailed me to ask if I would like to be on the Blog Tour I got really excited! She did tell me that this book was very different to the first book in the series though! Resplendent was so different to Happenstance! I wasn't really expecting it to be as different, but it was! I didn't really enjoy it as much as the first book if I'm honest, but it was still amazing! I found the plot of this book a little hard to follow at the beginning of it! I think it was maybe because some chapters went backwards in time and they didn't really have a lot of backstory as to how they related to the present! After a few chapters like this I was able to understand what was going on and who was who in the story! I did have to pay close attention though! The plot was still amazing and it had me gripped! I found it hard to put down! It was written well and I thought the twists that were thrown in were unexpected and added so much to the story! The twists were so amazing! I especially loved the one near the end! That changed the outcome of the entire story! The characters were amazing! Savannah was a character that I loved! She had been through a lot with the main guy character and then she went through even more with him during the course of this book! She was such an easy character for me to connect with though! She was strong even when she wanted to break and there was a point in this book where I didn't think that I was going to like her, but in the end I loved her! She was a strong character! I adored Andres! He was the guy that I could tell had always had feelings for Savannah! When she walked into a room he was the first one to find her! It was so sweet! I could completely understand why he felt the need to break things off with Savannah when they were younger! He felt it was the right thing and although I think that they should have just talked about it in the long run it was the right thing to do! I also loved how protective he was of her! Savannah and Andres made such an amazing couple! They came so far together! I really enjoyed this book being told from both Savannah and Andres's point of views! It made it more interesting and I enjoyed going into both of their heads! I'm not sure if there's going to be another book in this series with other characters, but if there is I will definitely be first in line to read it! I'm loving this series and I hope that there's more to come from it! The cover for this book is pretty different to the one for the first book, but it's a completely different story so I understand that! The cover for Resplendent is stunning though! Big thank you to M.J. for an ARC of Resplendent and to Angie from Angie's Dreamy Reads for having me on the Blog Tour!

Resplendent (A Second Chance, #2)

Author bio:
MJ Abraham lives in bipolar weather Florida with a husband that makes her laugh and a superhero son that calls her his Princess. She has a degree in Business Administration from Nova University but finds the people in her head to be much more interesting. She is a lover of clever words, reading way past her bedtime, and zombies. She may or may not be as random as her bio.
M.J. Abraham


  1. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Sounds like an awesome read. thanks so much for the giceawag!!!

  2. I already want to read the book. I love your reviews Kendall
    Amazing giveaway! thank you :)

  3. Looking forward to reading this novel. Thank you for the review and giveaway :)

  4. Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway!

  5. I really like what I have read about this book so far!! Thank you!!

  6. Looking forward to this.....75.00 would buy this and Several other books that are sitting in my TBR list....Thank you for the giveaway and the chance to enter!!!

    Plus congrats on your release MJ Abraham!!!

  7. I can't wait to read these books!! Thank you for the giveway!!

  8. The book sounds like a good one. I'm looking forward to reading it. Thank you for the amazing giveaway

  9. I absolutely loved Happenstance and I can't wait to start this one! <3
