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Tuesday 23 July 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Him by Carey Heywood!

Publication date: 25th June 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Sarah Miller hasn’t been home in seven years. She thought she could stay away forever. If it wasn’t for her big brother's wedding, that is. Part of her even feels silly for staying away this long. It's not like anyone even knew what happened. Well, except for him.

That guy. The one she compared all others to. The one who set the bar so high no other guy after him could even compete. The one who made her feel like anything was possible. The one she thought she would never be good enough for. The one she spent the last seven years trying to forget.
All she needs to do is make it through the next week without running into him.
Favourite quote: "You are not plain. You are beautiful, Sarah, inside and out."

I adore Carey Heywood so when she asked me if I would like an ARC of Him I almost passed out, because holy crap, this book was amazing! I loved this author's other book, Stages of Grace so when I heard about an even hotter book from her, I was dying for it! There is something about this author's writing that makes her stand out compared to some other authors! Her writing style is fresh and straight to the point! I feel like I don't have to read every word in her books to understand what's happening in them and I love books like that! I read this book in two sittings as I just couldn't put it down! I wasn't expecting the plot to have so much in it, but it was beautifully written! I also loved that the plot went backwards in time, which I wasn't expecting, and showed how the main characters relationship blossomed and then also showed the main characters in the present and how certain circumstances had brought them together again! I thought that this was the perfect way for this book to be written! There was also so much sexual tension in the plot it was unreal! I completely adored it! It made me swoon like mad! The plot just kept getting better and better as well and my anticipation just kept rising! The characters were also amazing! Sarah was the main character and I connected with her instantly! I thought that she was quite a funny character and I liked that she tried to show restraint with her feelings for Will after seeing him after all that time, even though she did still have feelings for him! I enjoyed younger Sarah as she was so strong and I just adored her as much as I adored older Sarah! Will was hot! He was sweet and caring and absolutely perfect! I liked younger Will, but I adored older Will as well! I loved how much he tried to show Sarah that he still loved her and how much he tried to prove his love for her! I also think that Will and Sarah's relationship developed perfectly and at the perfect pace! Even when they were younger! I can't believe how much I loved them as a couple! The other characters in this book were just as amazing as Sarah and Will! They all brought something to the story as well! I know that there is going to be another book called, Her, and I already know who it is about and a few things that happens in it and all I can say is that I am now going to be begging Carey for it! Plus, how hot is that cover?! I melted when the author showed me it! It is super hot! Big thank you to Carey for an ARC of Him and also for mentioning me in the Acknowledgements!


Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy it from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Him-ebook/dp/B00DJUZCHO/ref=zg_bsnr_23_68%20ur
Barnes and Noble:

Check out Carey's other books!
A Bridge of Her Own
Stages of Grace

Author bio:

Carey Heywood lives in Richmond, Virginia with her husband, three children, and nine-pound attack Yorkie. In her spare time, she transports her children from one extra-curricular activity to another while maintaining her day job in the world of finance. Right now, she is probably eating Swedish Fish.

I'd love to hear from you!

Twitter: @careylolo
Book Enthusiast Promotions

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