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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 28, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 17 August 2012

Interview with Michelle Madow!

Hey guys! Yesterday I had the pleasure of talking to Michelle Madow who is the author of the Transcend Time Series and can I just say that she is sooooo nice and also got back to me really quickly with a reply and also her answers! She agreed to an interview with me and she also agreed to give me 3 signed bookmarks for a giveaway on my facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/#!/BookDreamLand

Are you surprised by how well the Transcend Time Series has taken off?

I am so grateful to everyone who has supported the Transcend Time Series! But what’s surprised me most is the global appeal of the series. It’s really neat knowing that people all over the world have read and enjoyed the books.

I love Drew and Lizzie's relationship in Remembrance, but was it always your intention to make Drew date Chelsea before he started a relationship with Lizzie?

Thank you! Yes, I always knew that Drew would date Chelsea before Lizzie. Chelsea has a strong personality, and she likes to go for what she wants. She decided that she wanted Drew, and if you’ve read the book, you know why Drew originally kept his distance from Lizzie and decided to date Chelsea first!

What book are you currently writing and could you tell us a little bit about that book?

Earlier this week I completed the first draft of Timeless, which will be the final part of the Transcend Time Saga. Timeless returns to Lizzie’s point of view, and she’s dealing with the aftermath of Chelsea’s actions in Vengeance. I don’t want to give too much away, but I promise that those of you who wanted more of historical elements in Remembrance will be happy with the direction of Timeless!

How did you come up with the idea of reincarnation for the Transcend Time Series?

I didn’t know much about reincarnation before writing the Transcend Time Saga, other than it was the idea that after people died their souls remained in tact and were reborn into different bodies. I researched various ideas of reincarnation, and then threw some of my own twists in there to make it unique to this story.

Quick Fire Round!
Favourite Food:
Favourite Country: Italy (other than the USA!)
Favourite Colour: Pink
Favourite Animal: Dogs
Favourite Book: Harry Potter

Thank you so much for interviewing me!

Author Bio:

Michelle Madow was inspired to write Remembrance after seeing Taylor Swift's "Love Story" music video while a junior at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL. The song and video gave her the story idea about a high school girl reincarnated from Regency Era, England. She handed in the first chapter as a homework assignment for class, and when her teacher and fellow classmates wanted her to continue writing, she decided to go for it. By the end of the school year, her first novel was completed!

Along with the Transcend Time Saga, Michelle Madow has written two other young adult novels, both which will be developed into series’.

Michelle Madow graduated from the Park School of Baltimore in 2005, where she always took two English classes each semester. She graduated from Rollins College in 2010, cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English. At Rollins she was a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and a member of the International English Honor Society Sigma Tau Delta.

She received the Charles Hyde Pratt Award for Excellence in Creative Writing in 2010.

For more information on Michelle and her books, please visit

Michelle lives in Florida, where she is hard at work writing more novels for young adults

Add Michelle on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/MichLMadow
Add Michelle on Twitter: https://twitter.com/michellemadow/

Buy Michelle's books on Amazon (UK): http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_5_11?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=michelle+madow&sprefix=michelle+ma%2Caps%2C288
Buy Michelle's books on Amazon (US): http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=michelle+madow

I would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to Michelle for agreeing to this interview and also for giving me the signed bookmarks! You are amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Okay that's awesome! It's nice to learn more about different topics in books, like reincarnation. THANK YOU for the interview and bookmarks, Ms. Madow!!!! :) ♥

    Alyssa Susanna
